Iiiiiiiiiits Punishment Time!

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Your Izuru Kamakura , Your Izuru Kamakura, Your Izuru Kamakura, Your Iz- Ok I'm Sorry JerryTeddy XD y

Your Izuru Kamakura , Your Izuru Kamakura, Your Izuru Kamakura, Your Iz- Ok I'm Sorry JerryTeddy XD y

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The punishment is called "101 Errors"
parody of 101 Dalmations thedescription of the punishment is

"Notch is stuck in some strange code world with a computer and to survive he has to fix the 101 coding errors before the code deletes him as he continues the code deletes more and more of him causing him excruciating pain and just as he finushes the code deletes him forever..."

Like it?

Also I have a few lines my Character could say in the class trial perhaps?

"Upupupu! Oh I've been waiting for this for Ages ! Like really long!"

"Welp you know what they say? Murder Murder gotta kill em all! "

"Oh Notchy~ its Pun-ishment time! Right Chiaki?"

"Welp I'm going to Grillbys- oops wrong Fandom!"

"You know.... this was preeeeeety easy to predict did you guys notice the hints I left around for you guys?"

"You guys better pet me after this..."

"Nyahaha! You guys heard of Danganronpa ? This reminds me of that!"

"Hm...it seems theres a panic in the courtroom ! Split opinion ? Scrum Debate!"

"I'm reliable trust me ! Besides don't judge a Skunk by their Scent! '

Anyways hope you like them JerryTeddy!

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