Ch. 20 Dear Alpha

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A/N: As promised, here is the next chapter. I am hoping to have the next one up by EOW, but no promises. :)

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The next morning, I woke up at 4:30. Well I can't really say I woke up, that was more like the time that I decided to finally claw myself out of bed. I had slept very little and found no use in actually laying in bed any longer, sleep was being elusive. I know that I had managed to get a couple of hours in at the very least. Each time I had closed my eyes and managed to drift off my dreams would haunt me with Tate and special moments that we had together. Did they mean anything to him? I wondered as tears welled in my eyes with each memory. Was he really just using me as a way to pass the time until Kimber came back from her summer away?

I didn't want to believe the negative thoughts and emotions that were running through my mind. Everything piercing my heart, causing me physical pain. I laid in bed thinking about everything, just staring at the ceiling. How had I become reduced to this? I had plans, I was fine without a mate before. I had grown up to not be dependent on anyone. Sick of the waring emotions raging inside and the dead feeling that was creeping over me I flung my covers off myself and climbed out of bed, I needed to find some clarity.

Not feeling the need to shower since I had the night before, I threw on my workout gear and headed to the gym. At least there I would be able to let out some of my anger, loss, and frustration! Grabbing my phone and earbuds I plugged them into my phone. Opening the front door to the early morning sun just starting to peak over the horizon, I let my feet hit the asphalt. Between the music strumming through my ears and the rhythmic pounding of my feet hitting the ground, I was in a trance, a place where I was able to think and not feel. Exercise always gave me the ability to push aside my emotions, so I could gain clarity to think, which right now was a good thing. I needed to figure out what I was going to do. How was I going to handle Tate? And Lily was being no help to me at all. Ever since the call with Kimber she has been curled up in the recesses of my mind, unwilling to come out of her self-induced isolation. As much as I love my wolf, she definitely has a flare for the dramatics and was always the more emotional part of me.

When I got to the gym, John was at the front desk. "Hey Allison!" He said with his usual smile, one that seemed that he only reserved for me.

"Hey John." I said back, with a flat look on my face, I could not muster anything more. Not feeling like chatting I made my way back to the locker room to put my things away and get ready for a workout. Walking back out onto the gym floor I took a deep breath, I sure was going to miss this place. It was a home away from home for me, gave me a sense of belonging after my father died. Being here always allowed me to feel his presence again, we would always come here together, our special time together.

"Allison." John called to me waving me over to where he was. I begrudgingly walked over, really just wanting to workout alone. "Boy trouble?" He questioned, wrapping his fatherly arms around me in a hug. John was like a second father to me, always had been, even when my father was still alive. And John had that special uncanny ability to read any situation or person. Right now, he focused those talents on me, much to my dismay. Giving in to his hug, I relaxed a bit and laying my head on his shoulder I just nodded my head. "Give him time, he will come to his senses. There is no one better than our dear Ally." He told me, rubbing my arms with his hands. "Did you come here to work it out?"

"You know me so well, John." I said with a weak smile.

"Why don't you go kick the shit out of the bag today? Might make you feel a bit better." He suggested.

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