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A/N: Here is the final installment of My Mate, My Luna! 

I cannot thank you all enough for all of your wonderful comments and support in writing this story. At one point it was suggested that I could have a spin-off, which I honestly was not planning on..... I had already started planning another story when I decided that I could in fact make it a spin-off story line. 

So, stay tuned for that. I hope to be able to get the first few chapters out in the next couple of weeks to start on a new journey with both new and "old" characters. Which one's you would like to see come back? Who should be left behind?

Again, many thanks! This would not have been as great of an experience without all of you loyal readers. 

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5 years Later

I stood at the sink of the kitchen, looking around at the chaos that laid in front of me. There was a mess on every surface, but I suppose that is to be expected when you are hosting a large family gathering. Luckily everyone was primarily outside, since we were doing a barbeque, so I had a chance to clean it in peace.

I was currently wiping down the counters that were covered in flour from the cake that twins had decided to make for their younger brother Everett, as today we were also celebrating her second birthday. "Seriously, Nemo? In here cleaning? " I looked up to find Tim leaning in the open doorway to the backyard.

"Yes, seriously, I'm cleaning. If I do not do it now, I will be too exhausted by the time everyone leaves to even move. " I was a bit exasperated that he was giving me any type of grief about things.

Moving myself over to the sink I started to wash a few of the dishes that were there when two arms snaked around me, hands finding a resting spot on my growing belly. "You need to go enjoy the party, Ally." Tate said in my ear, kissing my cheek. "This is your first real day off from the clinic and Luna duties in too long. Let me handle clean up. " Tate continued rubbing my belly, something that he found calmed me down, soon I found myself leaning back on him forcing him to support most of my weight.

"You know this is the last one? I said, "I do not think I have it in me to do this again. It's so exhausting! "

I noticed from the corner of my eye Tim was shaking his head at us as he grinned, "What Tim?" He shook his head again, "Just spill it." I was feeling a bit snappy, because Tate was right, I was exhausted from having little to no time off, plus the pups, and now being pregnant again there was just nothing left for me to give.

"Nothing, but you realize you say that same thing each time, right?" I took the towel that was sitting on the counter and threw it at him.

Unfortunately, I missed, figuring it out when I heard a displeased cry, "HEY! What was that for?" Tim was now snickering.

I opened my eyes to see who I had hit with the towel, "Sorry Emily, I was aiming for your husband. He is being a twit. Could you do something about that for me?" I asked, to which Emily quickly chased Tim from the house. I could hear their laughs as they got further from the house, the pups quickly joining Emily in ganging up on Tim.

Tim and Emily had gotten married four years ago, they made a perfect couple and I could tell that they were very much in love and genuinely happy. I also couldn't ask for a better person to be in my pups lives, although things were awkward at first, we quickly became friends, she is now my closest friend.

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