The Expo of Mysterious Cosplayers?

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The intense, excited crowd made Julie dizzy with excitement. She was a huge nerd, and here was the perfect opportunity to hang with other like minded pop culture people! The expo center was huge, and for this video game, comic book, and nerd in general convention starting today, it looked to only get bigger.

"Look it's Ciri!" a teenage boy yelled.

Julie blushed at the compliment. She smiled at the boy, "You really think I look like Ciri?"

"Hell yeah!" the boy said, his two friends nodded in perfect rhythm.

"Thank you! And I always love seeing Frodo, Sam, and Merry!"

The boys laughed and ran off. Julie was in her element. A small, slender girl, Julie had brown eyes, a steady, friendly smile, and long straight brown hair that fell past her shoulders. Of course, her brown hair was dyed white to match the Witcher character. Tall light brown leather boots, dark leggings, a gaudy metal belt with fake green gemstones accentuating a white blouse with a brown corset around her flat stomach, and long black gloves. She even had a small fake scar on her left cheek like the character. Her father was rich, and had come to the city of Manchester, New York to do business. What with the gaming convention going on here, she'd begged her dad to let her come with. Not being able to deny his daughter, her daddy had allowed her.
Now she was strolling through the large expo center in Manchester, loving every bit of it. Up ahead, Julie spotted a group of people dressed from the Witcher, posing for a group photo. Julie is a friendly sort, and walking around aimlessly in a huge video game convention could get boring, and ironically enough this group was missing a certain white haired female character. She smiled, and said cheerfully to the group, "Hi! I'm Julie!" she had impeccable English with a slight accent her friends found cute, "Can I join your group photo?"

"Hey, sure, Julie. We need Ciri in this pic," a man dressed as Dandy sang out, "Toss a coin to your-"

"Oh for the love of god," this guy was dressed as Geralt, and he tried 'the growl.'

Ciri, or Julie, so she liked to pretend, so what, giggled at the exchange, "Sure! Thank you for including me!"

"Come in, come in," a dusky, lithe woman cosplaying as Yennefer said.

Julie smiled brightly, chatting in amiable fashion as she posed with the group. Today was going to be a wonderful day, she just knew it.


Sitting in her desk at the Manchester Daily Times' s five story building, Rebecca Lillian Carter yawned. Way too many late nights, between hanging out with Erin the other weekend, chilling with Cass, keeping track of Dakota, always a watchful eye out for Marta, reassuring Mom that, in spite of how often she says it happens, I refuse to admit that I, Becky Carter, get caught a lot while investigating, sure, sometimes, but not all the time. And above all else, keeping my job. She sighed, then sipped her caramel latte from Starbucks. Her bleary eyes indicated that indeed, she was not a morning person. She shook her head, trying to diffuse the metaphorical cobwebs wanting to cloud her brain. Becky was in a light purple blouse with the sleeves rolled halfway up, dark skirt, barely black pantyhose, and her trademark charcoal heels with the little interchangeable bows. Today she had light lavender bows adorning the toes of her heels. A black leather watch with a square face was on her slender left wrist. She wore no makeup, preferring her natural look of grey eyes and a splash of freckles. She had a small nose with the slightest upturn, medium sized mouth with thin lips, and her long, curly blonde hair was kept up in a professional French bun. Her outfit created in her mind the perfect blend of professionalism, classic, and yet an appealing look. I'm a reporter, I have to look the professional part, I'm only twenty-two after all.


Becky jerked her head up from an article she was typing, the title being, 'Hero Mom climbs twenty feet into a tree, successfully saves Mayor's cat.' Yeah, slow day for Manchester, "Yes Mr. Spinner?" Becky asked hopefully.

The angry, balding Mr. Spinner approached her, "Carter I need that article in fifteen minutes!" Standing at five feet six inches, Becky always felt a little smug that she almost dwarfed her boss when in high heels.

"Sure thing Mr. Spinner, I'll be done by, oh," she checked her watch, "Ten after?"

"Fine, then come to my office," with that, he strode off before she could even open her mouth to ask why. Her boss was a fair enough man, if not a little grouchy.

Time to start typing at my super sonic speed. Mr. Spinner better have something good, because I am getting bored out of my mind, After complaining to herself for several minutes on the boredom of the last two weeks, Becky was almost done typing. Articles like this certainly do not bring out my most passionate write-ups. She checked her watch, Five after, not even. Becky grinned, she'd have a minute to swing by Maggie's cubicle.


"I'm telling you, Francine, just tie them up! It's that simple," a voice intoned.

Becky poked her head in Maggie's office to find Maggie sitting at her desk, grinning. Dressed in dark dress pants and suit, white blouse, with six inch heels, Margaret Swift, AKA Maggie, looked ready to take on whatever came to her door. Sarcastic, confident personality, long black hair, piercing blue eyes, and a generous mouth with full lips always ensured she kept a fresh supply of dates. She glanced up when Becky entered, and pantomimed the universal signal for quiet, a huge grin on her face.

"I already told you Francine, now take care of it," the woman speaking was seated in a chair facing away from Becky, towards Maggie's desk. She was leaning forward, oblivious to Maggie and any of her surroundings. Dressed professionally in high heels, knee length skirt, green blouse, with long brown hair styled slightly curly. The woman continued to talk, and Becky looked back to Maggie.

Maggie crossed her wrists, raising them in the air, mouthing rope.

Becky arched an eyebrow, then pointed to the woman, her?

Maggie shook her head, her lips forming the word, kids.

Becky frowned, then curled her pointer fingers on both hands into question marks, pantomiming, Why?

Maggie shrugged, twirled a finger around her head, putting her hand into a question mark, crazy?

Becky nodded vigorously at this, then mouthed, she wants a job? Again the double question marks.

Maggie frowned, silently asking, what?

Becky put as much emphasis in her silent lip spelling as possible, pantomiming first quotation then question marks at the end of job.

Maggie opened her mouth, but at that moment the woman hung up. Maggie smiled brightly at her, "Thank you for agreeing to meet me, Mrs. Wilbourne. As managing editor, I'll discuss your credentials over with the editor in chief, and we'll go from there."

"Thank you," the woman's back was still to her, "I apologize on the phone call. My daughters were tied up with a few things, they just needed some direction," the woman stood.

"Not a problem," Maggie smiled, "Have a good day, Mrs. Wilbourne."

The woman turned then, and saw Becky. She nodded stiffly at her as she walked past, and Becky smiled pleasantly back at her, then this 'Mrs. Wilbourne' was gone. Becky slammed the door shut, "What was that all about?"

"Possible new assistant editor, I have a bit much on my plate as managing editor, and she recently moved here. Bit odd?"

"Seemed like it," Becky nodded, she slid into another chair, the one beside where Mrs. Wilbourne had been seated, "Who was she tying up?"

Maggie shrugged, "Does it matter? Made for a fun game of charades," she sobered a bit, "How's the Alfonsi case coming?"

"Way too slow," Becky complained, "I only have two things locked away in my safety deposit box. In case something happens to me."

"Well goddamn, Becky. It sounded more like Marta wanted to snuggle, not slice your throat."

"I don't know what Marta wants, but I want her. In jail," Becky said passionately.

Maggie laughed dryly, "For a minute there I thought maybe you were going to try women, because I want first dibs," she winked at Becky.

Becky rolled her eyes, "No thanks, Mags. I'm quite happy with Ethan, thank you."

Maggie sighed in exaggerated fashion, "What a heartbreaker you are. Ready for the night on the town next week? Isabella is all pumped up, she's such a cutie. It's about freakin time all four of us get together."

"Oh yeah, it's been way too long. I've missed our hanging out together," it was good to chat with Maggie on something other than business. Except.... Becky checked her watch, "I gotta go, Mr. Spinner wants to see me."

"Heh, I hope he gives you the church choir singing disaster on Main St. I can just imagine you loving that," Maggie said dryly.

Becky mock glared at her as she stood, "I'd make you go with me, in a nun outfit."

"Hell no, girl. Nobody makes me do anything."

"Except Prisha," Becky grinned, hands placed confidently on her hips.

Maggie blushed at this, shaking her head, her mouth in a firm line, "Get out of here Becky," she motioned towards the door.

Becky laughed, spun on her heels, and headed for the door.

"Hey Becky!" Maggie called, and Becky stopped, half turning, "Quite a lovely rear view! Especially in that tight skirt. Holy crap where's a camera when I need one?"

Becky's face flushed bright red, and she bit her lip, shaking her head vigorously, "Maggs you're impossible!" she slammed the door shut on Maggie's laughter, feeling immense satisfaction doing so. It was all jokes now, but Maggie had hit on her once upon a time. Isabella too. But not Cass, those two didn't always get along. I am glad she finally found someone, heh, who knew it'd end up being a foreign exchange student from India? A small, feisty young lady at that.


Becky hurried along, heels clicking on the tile, "Right there Mr. Spinner!"


"Becky sit down. We need to talk," Mr. Spinner announced, "Oh, and close the door."

Becky looked at him, unsure, "What'd I do now?"

"Just sit down," he said gruffly. He rummaged through his desk drawer, taking his time.

It was times like these that Becky got very irritated, even pissed off with her boss. He knows I hate standing around, doing nothing, Mr. Spinner just does it to show who's in charge, Becky rolled her eyes as she shifted in the leather chair, Like he has anything to prove to a twenty-two year old reporter, who gets the crummiest assignments. Becky shrugged, trying to shake off her feeling of impatience.

Finally Mr. Spinner looked up, pulling a paper out of his desk. He began reading, "Dear Mr. Spinner, Editor in Chief at the Manchester Daily Times. I sincerely regret to inform you, but it has come to my attention that you, an esteemed and upstanding citizen in Manchester, have at least one time, hired a rather unsavory employee. She is a news reporter, and wishes to be some sort of hero, ahem, heroine, to the people of Manchester. If you only knew what all she was into after dark, the evil things this young woman is capable of. She even held me hostage at some point, binding and gagging me rather brutally. I write this to inform you, that you must terminate her reporting position at the Manchester Daily Times, or I will be forced to speak to my lawyer. Give her a secretary job, make her while away the hours filing paperwork, or better yet, make her be everyone's errand girl, getting lunches, coffee, etc. I will be waiting to see what happens, big man, by a longing Queen," Mr. Spinner put the paper down, and looked at her, "And that's not all, at the exact time I was given the letter, a young man came into my office, holding a briefcase filled with twenty thousand dollars. He said it would be only the beginning, and if I complied with the contents I would be handsomely reimbursed. Who the hell did you piss off this time?"

All Becky heard was Marta's voice in the letter, mocking, teasing, trying to reduce her, even lying about her. She swiped the letter off his desk, examining the typewritten paper. Anger boiled in her blood, but she did her best to keep it in check, "When did you get this?" she asked through clenched teeth.


She was silent, thinking of all the implications, Every freaking time, every freaking time, Marta is always one step ahead, attempting to keep me off balance.

"I didn't take it, if that's what you're wondering," Mr. Spinner offered.

"I know you didn't, but who is? Somebody in this building is on her payroll," Becky glanced down at the paper, she'd store this with the rest of her evidence. Or 'not evidence', if you ask Lieutenant Cooper.

"I don't know," Mr. Spinner said uneasily, "I don't like it. Of course I've been offered money before, but I didn't get here today by taking bribes. I'm on your side, Becky. I thought I'd let you know," he shifted in his chair, and Becky noticed he seemed uneasy.

"You know this came from Marta," Becky said firmly, but Mr. Spinner held up a hand.

"I know you say that, but there's no proof. You'll have to keep digging."

"Mr. Spinner I swear that's exactly how she-"

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Spinner shouted, slamming a fist down on his desk. Becky jumped a little, Still can never get used to his sudden mood swings.

"But Mr. Spinner I'm only-"

"I don't care whatever conjecture you have, Carter. That's all it is, and if you want to be a better journalist then get it, stop talking about what you think it is. Because I don't give a shit on your personal opinion."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Becky's cheeks were red, "That woman tied me up, twice!"

"You need evidence Carter, now stop talking about it. You're wasting my time. You're going to the regional video game convention, at the Castian Expo Center. Take Cass, she always gets awesome pictures. Ask people how's the expo, would they do it again in Manchester. Talk to someone in charge. Be sure to see Marvin Hunt. He's the custodian of the building."

Becky felt like dropping a couple f-bombs on him, but she bit her lip instead. Mr. Spinner could be harsh, but she knew he was ultimately on her side, "Whatever," she mumbled. I hate this, maybe I should just run a blog, become a freelance journalist.

"What was that? I didn't hear you?"

"Sure boss, whatever you say."

"Good. And cut the smartass tone. Another thing, I did some looking and last year, when the convention took place in Boston, two girls went missing, but were found afterwards, tied up and disoriented."

Becky perked up immediately, and she pulled a small old fashioned tablet out of her purse. She clicked her pen, "Names, please."

Mr. Spinner's permanent frown lightened for a moment into a small smile, "Don't look so damn happy at the prospect of another mystery. Police say it was a practical joke, and the girls were drunk. Other people said they went into a back room and found something they shouldn't have. Whatever it was the girls themselves didn't see anything, they woke up like that, so it was dropped."

"Gotcha," Becky was excited, her attention sharpening to a narrow point of vision, going through all the necessary steps when contemplating a new mystery. She scribbled furiously as Mr. Spinner gave her the rundown. Finally she clicked her pen and got to her feet, "Anything else?"

"Nope, go on and get out," Mr. Spinner nodded at the door.

Becky turned and left, showing her middle finger in front of her blouse, away from her boss, Ok so it's a cop out if he can't see me, but still, I hate how he is so freakin dismissive of my 'conjecture'. If he wouldn't be my boss and if I didn't need this job I'd have given it to him. At least I got something that looks promising. She shivered, knowing the feeling of being tied up and helpless, My heart definitely goes out to those girls, especially if they don't even know what hit them. I for one am not going to let some punk dictate what I do. With Cass and I going though, we'll definitely uncover something, if there's a pattern. And if I'm honest? I kind of hope there is. Nothing quite like a good mystery.
Becky hurried along now, texting Cass that she would pick her up after she ran home real quick for some fresh clothes. It's important to look my best out on the field.


Cassandra Fair was in the zone.

She knelt carefully on the pavement of the old movie house in downtown Manchester, camera at the ready. It was back behind some shops lined up in red brick colored buildings, old and forgotten. Cass was in a lightweight black leather jacket, Alice in Chains black tee, short blue skirt, and dark fishnet tights. As she adjusted the lighting on her camera, her blue hair fell forward around her shoulders, dancing along the black choker collar that graced her throat. Blue lips smiled at the scene before her. Five crows had landed directly in front of the old theater, which had yellow spray paint on it reading Condemned, building to be demolished. Deemed unsafe by the city council.

Cass frowned, she liked old stuff, and this old theater held fond memories of her and Beck coming, watching the newest releases. She'd come here a lot, and Beck always came with. It was especially sacred because it was one of her havens whenever her parents fought. She hoped these pics could change people's minds. She focused back on her job, the five crows had arranged in a perfect circle, drinking from a puddle right in front of the double glass doors of the theater. Several old posters graced the stucco walls. Weeds and even a small tree grew in cracks in the pavement.

The solitary sound of lovely silence. Yes. Wait for it, now, she snapped several pics of the crows, with the theater in the background. Against the grey backdrop of a cloudy day, Cass saw the beauty of a forgotten building. She saw the grand place it had once been, and the potential of what it could still be.

She carefully zoomed in on the posters, one of them was an advertisement for the movie Seven, one of her favorites. Then she turned her camera back to the crows, taking several more of them hopping around, biting at each other, cleaning their wings. Suddenly one flew off, and the rest followed.
Cass shrugged, then got her feet, her almost knee high boots, black of course, scraping the pavement. She went to the side of the light colored building, loving the wall full of vines, which had bloomed in the freshness of spring. It decorated graffiti painted scenes, text and symbols known to only the artist themselves. She snapped several pics, then her zone was shattered by the vibration of her cell in her coat pocket. She glanced at the text, a small smile on her blue lips, So Beck has a new case, and she seems pretty excited. Cass laughed at how vigorous Beck was, she would have had to tape her mouth shut just to get in the zone with her around. Maybe that was a bad joke? Anyway, she'd better get moving. It wouldn't be long till Beck was at her house, blaring the horn. She grinned, sometimes she felt like tying her bf up to make her slow down a bit. She wouldn't of course, but it was fun to think and joke about.

Taking another last glance at the theater, Cass snapped one more pic then headed for her car.


The Witcher cosplaying group invited Julie to come hang with them, some of them reluctant maybe? She had accepted happily. To be included in a group always made her feel good, and she was so full of excitement. Lora, the girl dressed as Yen, took her hand and led Julie along, as they checked out the different stands. Julie squealed with excitement, her brown eyes lighting up as they came to a vintage action figure stand, full of Star Wars, TMNT, and more pop culture toys.

"I can see you like this," Lora smiled.

"Do I ever? Who doesn't like vintage toys?" Julie began examining them, wanting to buy all of them. Daddy would probably let her, actually.

"I can't argue with you there," Lora said. She picked up a Michelangelo action figure, "This one is cool."

The vendor, a thirtysomething Hispanic man, ambled over, "Yes, yes senorita, that is a very old toy. Do not break it."

He looked quite friendly to Julie, and she began asking questions about the toys, to which he very politely answered. They chatted amicably for several minutes, while Lora texted on her phone. Just then the guy dressed as Geralt, who's real name was Daryl, came running up, breathing hard, "Lora, Julie! We just met a group cosplaying as the Fellowship of the Ring, and we all want a group photo, so come on!"

"A group photo with LotR? Count me in!" Julie was ecstatic. She waved bye to the vintage toy vendor, "Thank you!"

"Anytime Ciri!" the man chuckled, then went back to his business. Julie marked the spot mentally, in a corner of the large expo. She had full intentions on coming back.

"Let's go!" Julie grabbed Lora's hand, and the two of them ran after Daryl.


Becky and Cass pulled into the parking space just outside the Castian Expo center. Becky noted her friend was just as invigorated as she was. Both of them had talked non stop the whole drive over here, usual for her but not so much for Cass. We're both excited, but for different reasons.
Becky grinned at Cass, "So you ready to take some great pics?"

"Hell no! I want to get geeked out in geek kingdom," Cass's black lips were parted in a slight smile.

"I figured," Becky laughed, "And you know why I wanted to come. Let's stick close together though, I do need to get some questions asked."

"That's what you do best, ever the nosy one."

Becky rolled her eyes dramatically, "At least I get results."

"Yup, most times the results aren't in your favor."

"You always had a gift for exaggerating things," Becky said crisply.

"Ok ok I give up! Let's get in there!" Cass said, and they both laughed as they climbed out of the car. They began walking to the expo center, Becky's black heels clicking on the pavement, with Cass's boots clumping in perfect rhythm. Becky was in her favorite maroon blouse, crisp charcoal skirt, sheer barely black pantyhose, and her black leather wristwatch. Her hair was done up in her French bun. Cass wore far more casual attire, black long sleeve tee with The Crow printed on it in red lettering. A short blue pleated skirt, with dark fishnet stockings, and tall black leather boots.
Both of them entered through one of the many double glass door entrances, Cass a few steps ahead of herself for once, I'm actually glad it's a gaming convention, so Cass can enjoy herself. I have to wonder if there's really anything going on at this particular convention, I mean the likelihood of a gang operating inside the convention itself? Traveling up and down the East coast? Possible I guess, but awfully risky. Seems like someone would detect a pattern. That was the only case of two people getting disoriented, so maybe Mr. Spinner just told me that to get me excited. I'll withhold judgement, but if that turns out true I will tan his hide. Becky ran a hand over her hair, pulling out her phone to check it one last time before getting down to business. She tended to forget about her looks once she got started asking questions. Good to go.

"Check this out Beck," Cass pointed to an incredibly big dude dressed as Master Chief, "That is some seriously awesome cosplaying shit going on."

"Wow, that costume is spot on," Becky enthused, and it was. She'd played enough Halo that she could appreciate the finer details of the design. Cass may turn me into a geek just yet, she thought wryly, Video games for mysteries, anyone? Over my dead body.

Cass went up to the big guy and asked for him to pose, which he obligingly did for Cass's pretty blue eyes and matching hair. Becky grinned to herself, Cass always was attracted to tall, muscular men.

Several photos were snapped, then Master Chief pointed at Becky, "Care to take one with her in it?" his voice was filtered through the helmet.

"Ohhhh so you want a pic of my pretty friend?" Cass teased, and Becky blushed, but only slightly, "C'mon Beck, get your cute ass over here and pose with the cool as shit Master Chief," Cass is clearly enjoying herself.

"OK," Becky said, going over beside him. She was tall for an American woman, and I come up to his elbow. Damn but he's huge. They posed as Cass shot a couple pics.

"My turn!" Cass squealed, shoving the camera into Becky's hands.

Becky laughed, "Go get 'em tiger."

"A secret geek?" asked Master Chief, pointing at her.

"Just best friends with one," Becky smiled.

"Trust me she's a geek, just shy about it," Cass put an arm around Master Chief's waist, "Now get some awesome pics Beck."

Becky took several, with Cass posing in several hilarious ways. She held the fake assault rifle, while Master Chief did bunny ears, unknowingly to Cass. Becky just laughed and took the pics. Finally Cass ran out of ideas, and Becky pulled out a pen and paper, I guess it's my turn now, "Hey thanks for being so chill, and easygoing. You're the first person we talked to here, and we appreciate your time."

"Hell yeah!" Cass cut in.

Master Chief laughed, "No probs, I especially don't mind it with two pretty young ladies as yourselves. I take it you want to ask some questions? Are you a reporter or are you cosplaying as one?"

"I'm a real reporter," Becky smiled easily, clicking her pen as she subtly checked her watch, "I should have come as Lois Lane, not the right hair color though."

"Lois Lane is quite the damsel in distress," Cass gave a big wink at the Chief, "You know how reporters get so nosy."

Master Chief just laughed as Becky said, "Ignore her, she's full of it."

Cass elbowed Becky, then whispered, "He likes you, I'm gonna go check out this Mass Effect group over there, get some pics."

"Shut up," Becky whispered back, then said aloud, "Sure thing, Cass. Would you have time for a few questions, sir?" she asked politely, glancing up at their new friend.

"I do," Master Chief nodded.

"I'm off Master Chief, thanks for the pics. If you give me your email or some such I can send these to you," Cass offered.

"Thanks," he gave it to Cass, who typed it rapidly in her phone then waved goodbye as she scurried off.

"Ok," Becky said, "If you're ready?"

"Sure," Master Chief said easily.

"So do you regularly attend this convention every year?"

"I do. I've been coming for the past five years, and I come as Master Chief every time. A person my size, well, I tend to get a lot of attention walking through a crowd."

"I see. Does that make you one of the more popular cosplayers walking around?"

"I'd hardly say I'm popular," Master Chief chuckled, "But yeah, regulars have started seeking me out and lots of people want photos. It's not everyday a tall person walks through their mist."

Becky wrote rapidly in shorthand, "Person? What makes a good cosplayer? Stay in character? A spot on outfit or costume?"

"Whoa whoa little lady, one at a time."

Becky just looked up at him, she was in full reporter mode now, intense, focused.

"I guess a good cosplayer in my mind is not so much they stay in character, but taking time for kids, or other nerds like me and chatting with people, just being sociable, really. We're not actors trying to find the right agent, we're just here for fun. Of course there's more people who would disagree with me. Costumes are subjective as well."

"It sounds like you make a good person to cosplay at this, as Cass and I can also testify to your friendliness. Another question, last year two girls went missing for a few hours, then were found in a room, bound, gagged, and blindfolded. They were too groggy to remember anything, and even up to this point still don't know what happened that day. Do you remember seeing or noticing anything out of the ordinary?"

Master Chief folded his arms across his chest, "Can't say that I did. That was a weird event, and I'm glad everyone got out ok."

Becky's pretty features fell into a slight frown, He's being evasive here, my intuition is never wrong. She smirked to herself, Well, mostly. aloud she said, "You saw no suspicious activity? Any distractions at certain times, or unsavory looking people doing anything weird?"

"Well it's hard to tell an unsavory person nowadays, Nancy Drew," Master Chief chuckled, voice still filtered through his helmet.

"Let's be serious, nothing that could be labeled as a distraction?" Becky continued to write, and she sneaked another glance at her watch. Time's almost up.

"Let's see," Master Chief grew serious, "Something that has happened for the past few years is, at some point, a stall gets knocked over. It always makes the people who run this irritated, as it's usually some kid who ends up getting blamed for doing it. Does that satisfy your curiosity, Miss Carter?" there was amusement in his voice.

"Becky works just fine, and if you can think of nothing else, I guess it will do for now. I appreciate your time, sir. Can I get your name, so I can quote you?" she held out a lithe hand and Master Chief took.

As they shook hands he replied, "James Worth, and it was nice to meet you, Becky Carter. If you see me again and have more questions let me know."

Becky nodded, "Will do and thank you for your time," I want to ask him if he'll take off his helmet, but I don't think he will. Am I being too nosy? Ah screw it, "Will you take off your helmet? I must say I'm curious what you look like. Never interviewed someone with one on."

Master Chief just laughed heartily, "Sorry, I don't take it off here, it would ruin the mystery man act. It was nice meeting you Becky. See you around," with that, he waved and began walking away.

I guess I won't get that question answered, but now I at least have a little bit of something to go off of. Plus I'm getting quotes for my main article. Multitasking at its finest. Becky stuck her notepad back into her slim purse, checked her watch, then dialed Cass as she began walking rapidly, heels clicking off the tiled floor.


After taking several pics with the Lord of the Rings group, Julie made her way further along the expo, checking out each exhibit, a skip in her step. The Witcher group she was with were still very amiable, but when they stopped to check out a comic book stand, Lora pulled her off to the side.

"Did you notice anything funny about Daryl?" Lora asked Julie.

Julie was taken aback, "No, I haven't. What's up?"

"He's just been weird, keeps running off on us to do I don't know what, and he's been sullen this year. This group gets together every year for our Witcher cosplaying, so I only see Daryl once a year, but we chat on Skype, it's just not like him," Lora wrung her hands, worried.

"Maybe he's not feeling well?" Julie offered, giving a comforting smile, "I mean, I'll admit I thought the sullen act was him trying to be like Geralt. Maybe he's just having a bad day. Or...." Julie smiled mischievously, letting her voice trail off.

"Or what?" Lora asked, "What Julie?"

"Maybe, he has a crush on you?" Julie giggled, putting a hand to her mouth to stifle it.

"Yeah right," Lora mumbled, but her face was blushing bright red.

"I saw the way you look at him, and how he looks at you whenever you're busy talking with me or doing other stuff," Julie said adamantly.

"I don't know, doesn't that seem weird to you?"

"How? You've told me yourself that you guys have been getting together here for years. Why not? Your love for each other could have grown each year," Julie twirled about, grabbing Lora's hands. Yen and Ciri dancing about the room, Julie thought to herself.

"Perfect!" a low, pleasant woman's voice called out.

Julie turned to see a skinny blue haired girl leaning down to take their picture with an expensive looking camera. She waved shyly, "How do we look?"

"You both look great! And from one of my fave video games to boot. You guys don't mind doing a couple of poses do you? Name's Cass, I'm a photographer with the Manchester Daily Times."

"You sure aren't dressed like a photographer, I love your goth look!" Julie smiled brightly at this Cass.

"Eh, small freedoms here and there," Cass grinned, "Now can you guys pose like this?" Cass indicated that they drape each other's arms over each other.

Julie and Lora obligingly posed for several minutes while Cass snapped some pictures in rapid succession. Just as she finished, a lithe blonde girl walked up in heels, dressed very professional. She was quite pretty, blonde hair, grey eyes, and freckles. It appeared that she was friends with the gothic looking girl? That's a bit odd, Julie thought.

"Finally found you!" the blonde said, "This place is huge!" she straightened up, smiling at Julie and Lora, "Looks like Cass found a nice pair to take some pictures of. Hi! I'm Becky Carter, a reporter with the Manchester Daily Times. How are you ladies? Enjoying the expo?"

"Whoa, whoa Beck. Sorry my friend is very talkative," Cass grinned, "Asking questions is part of her job. Me? I'd rather just take your picture."

Julie and Lora both laughed easily, "No problem," Julie said, "I'm Julie and this is my friend Lora."

After they exchanged several more pleasantries, Becky pulled out a notepad and pen, "Do you mind if I interview you two? Especially Julie, since you're from not the US," the reporter girl smiled pleasantly.

Just then the rest of Julie's group came up, "Let's go, Lora and Julie," Daryl said, sounding gruff.


Becky glanced carefully at the approaching group, noting the Geralt cosplayer frowned at her pen and paper. She smiled blithely, careful to exude a blase attitude towards him, "Hi! Becky Carter, I'm a reporter, have any comments on this wonderful expo?" quick as a flash Becky exchanged her notepad for a recorder, and stuck it aggressively towards the Geralt character.

"I like it," he growled, "But I especially like it if that thing isn't shoved in my face."

Becky noted everyone but her and Geralt were surprised at the sudden turn of events. She smiled apologetically, "Sorry, sir. I just get excited at the prospect of interviews. If I could just get a few minutes of your time-"

"We really need to be off," the Geralt guy interrupted her, "Sorry."

Lora looked to have recovered, "Daryl! What's wrong with you? And as far as I know we have no where else to be."

Daryl's face seemed to have a permanent scowl, "Yeah but we don't need to be talking to reporters, who are going to misconstrue everything I say."

How dare he insult my journalistic integrity! Becky felt her neck began to get warm, I need to stay chill. She felt Cass's calming support beside her, "Ok," she kept her voice even, "Feel free to go on."

Daryl, who seemed to be the one everyone followed, turned and strode off.

One last ace up my sleeve, "Oh Julie, would you mind staying and I could ask you a few questions? After all you said you just joined this group, and we could help you find them later? I know we only just met, but I do like the idea of asking someone who's from another country about Manchester and the expo in general."

Daryl whirled around, his face beet red, but Lora beat him to talking, "I'm sure that would be fine! I could see Julie enjoying that."

Julie looks a little uncertain. It can't be that much fun being all on your own in a strange country. Becky smiled softly at Julie, "I promise it won't take long, and Cass is a nerd so we can look at some stuff too while we chat."

The rest of the group were a couple dozen feet away now, except for Julie and Lora. Daryl cupped his hands, "C'mon Lora!" he yelled.

"See what I was saying earlier, Julie? He's acting weird. You'd be better off with these two for now," Lora squeezed her hand, "I'll catch up with you later, promise."

"Ok, I guess," Julie looked sad, but she managed a smile at Becky and Cass, "Let's go I guess."

"We're off then!" Cass said, finally speaking up.

The three of them chatted as they walked along, Becky doing her best to put Julie at ease. Cass was doing a splendid job of it though.

"Hey check out this Doctor Who stand! You like the show?" Cass asked Julie.

"There's not much sci-fi I don't like," Julie laughed.

"I kinda like Doctor Who," Becky said, "But one of my favorites would have to be Colony. Sarah Wayne Callies gives a great performance."

"Oh that one's good," Julie enthused.

"You're English is great, Julie, you know? You must have had a good teacher, you understand American sarcasm very well," Becky complimented her.

"Thanks!" Julie beamed.

Cass and Julie looked over the Doctor Who exhibit while Becky went over her notes, I am on the clock after all. This needs to be a fully flushed article. Now, Master Chief said something earlier about showcases falling over. Sitting down on a nearby bench, Becky pulled out her phone, doing a quick search of this supposed mishap. Curiosity killed the cat, but it has my brain whirling. Looks like Master Chief was right, for the past five years there's been at least one incident of an exhibit or case of something being pushed over. It's usually on a Friday, with it also happening on Sundays too a few times. Hmmm, kinda odd but not necessarily enough to be connected to two girls disappearing for a couple hours. Wait, Becky straightened up, self-consciously tugging her skirt down closer to her pantyhose clad knees, Master Chief said he's been going for five years, right about the time these weird incidents began happening. Weird but still purely circumstantial at the moment.
Becky searched in the news section, discovering a few articles by what she called 'online wannabe reporters', who sat at home and never did field work, mostly trading gossip on their blogs. Several of these though said that the parents of said children who were accused of knocking exhibits over declared up and down their child had nothing to with it. Little angels I'm sure, Becky smirked, But, I think there may be some truth to it. If there's something going on here, and my intuition is saying it is, but I need more evidence. Mr. Spinner wouldn't have said anything if he thought nothing was going on, so I'm on the right track. I think? Can't be positive with him.

Just then Cass and Julie came back, holding phone booth styled plastic cups that looked like milkshakes. Cass held one out, "For a hard working, motormouth reporter who should probably wet her whistle. And yes, it's strawberry."

"Thanks," Becky laughed, motioning them to sit down, "And I am not a motormouth. Just talkative."

"Like me!" Julie piped in, she sat between Becky and Cass.

No time like the present to ask Julie some questions, "Hey Julie, you notice anything weird going on today? Like aside from Witcher Daryl?"

"I can't say that I have," Julie said apologetically.

"You mean bitcher Daryl, 'cause that was no Henry Cavil," Cass said, a dreamy look in her eyes.

Becky chuckled, rolling her eyes at Cass, "You and your big muscle headed dudes."

"Such lovely hunks," Cass smirked.

Julie just looked from one to the other smiling.

"What's so funny?" Becky asked, grinning.

"I have to admit, you two make a duo of unusual, but lovely friends. It's not everyday I see a goth chick hanging out with a preppy looking girl. It's cool, really."

"Cass and I go wayyyyyyy back," Becky said dramatically, waving her hands and almost spilling her milkshake on her tights, "We don't even think about the contrast anymore. A motley duo, but a dynamic one I wouldn't trade for anything," Becky sipped her shake.

"What my melodramatic friend is trying to say, is, no one else will hang out with her, so she's stuck with me. She talks too much, just ask the bad guys we've run into."

"Let me address this, you two are both pretty good looking, so 'motley' hardly fits. Just unusual is all. It's cool though, like I said," Julie said cheerfully. Her disposition was so bright that Becky had no problem seeing why Julie made friends all over this expo so easily. Julie continued, "And what do you mean by bad guys Cass?"

"Welp," Cass smirked, "That's a long story. I'll happily tell it."

"Please do!" Julie said eagerly.

"Oh boy," Becky groaned, doing a face palm.

Cass proceeded to tell several of their adventures, while Becky once again checked her notes, searching for anything she'd missed. After Cass started diving into the dramatic not to mention embarrassing kiss with Erin, Becky held a hand up, "Ok, before you go any farther, I would like to say we should probably keep walking while we chat."

Cass winked at Becky, and mimed zipping her lips shut.

"Sure!" said Julie, "So is that what you're doing here? Looking for bad guys?"

"Yes and no. I'm trying to decide where to go next," Becky said as the three of them began walking side by side. I bet this would make a good pic, me in my professional attire, my gothic bf, and a girl dressed in medieval attire walking around.

Julie looked wildly around, "Hey I know where we're at! There's a vintage toy stand close to here. I'm going to run over there and check, if that's ok?"

"We're not your bosses, Julie my dear friend. Cass and I will go too," Becky said.

"We will? But you hat-" Becky put a hand over Cass's mouth, grinning.

"My turn. And It's ok, really. Julie's too nice."

Cass pulled Becky's hand away, "Yep, should have seen that coming."

During their exchange Julie had ran up ahead to the tent she'd pointed out. Becky opened her mouth to call out for her, which Cass gleefully clapped a hand over, "Tag, you're it. Let her run ahead, we'll catch up."

Becky violently ripped her friend's hand away, "I swear, whether it's you, Erin, Maggie, hell even Dakota's done it. You guys just love putting a hand over my mouth. It's ridiculous," she glared at Cass.

Cass just shrugged, and with a small smirk said, "There's just something so satisfying about shutting you up. You're irresistible when it comes to that, Beck."

Right then someone shouted and a huge rack full of comics fell onto the aisle, right at Becky and Cass's feet. A second later a tent that advertised Prince of Persia merchandise collapsed, and someone started screaming.


Julie reached the exhibit, which had no roof but blue colored curtains around each side. She peeked in excitedly, hoping to find her Spanish friend from earlier, "Hello?" Julie called out, but no one was around. Guess I'll have a look around again, she thought. She picked up a Small Soldier toy, the green colored sergeant she could never remember the name of. Suddenly a loud crash sounded outside, and someone began screaming.
Startled, Julie dropped the toy onto the tile floor. It broke on impact, and white powder began spilling out of it. Horrified at breaking it, Julie didn't immediately realize what was in the toy, until she bent down for a closer look, "Are those drugs? Cocaine?"

Two figures entered into her peripheral vision, and she whirled around. Daryl the Witcher guy from earlier, and the Hispanic guy stood there, staring at her. Julie gulped, extremely afraid of what might happen next. Her slender body trembled with adrenaline, but she tried to put on a brave face, "You two are going to be in trouble!"

"How naive of you, girly," Daryl stepped forward, and Julie shrank back. She turned to run, knowing her legs were fast but Daryl was upon her, clapping a tight hand over her mouth.

"Mnnnnnnpppp!" Julie squealed, eyes rolling wildly as Daryl wrestled with her. The Hispanic guy came forward, ripping a table cloth off the display table. He tore it into several long shreds while Julie struggled, although her attempts were more feeble now.

"Hold still, Julie, or I'll have to knock you out," Daryl barked. Julie held still as he ripped off a leather belt that ran diagonally across her slim chest and he bound her slim wrists excruciatingly tight with it. He shoved a cut off piece of table cloth into her small mouth filling it completely, then pulled a longer one over her stuffed mouth. Julie whimpered, terrified and wishing Becky and Cass were with her. They would know what to do!

"Here," the Hispanic man quickly handed another long table cloth, and Daryl used it to make a makeshift sack and wrapped Julie up in it, completely obscuring her small frame. Julie whimpered again, but Daryl merely hoisted her over his shoulder, growling at the Hispanic guy, "Clean this up and if her friends come looking for her tell them she went back to the Witcher group."

Julie could see nothing in her makeshift sack, and she whined loudly again, but she was helpless. Please Becky, come and find me! Thinking quickly, she tore off a cheap green gemstone from her costume belt, managing to slip it out of the sack and throw it to the floor as Daryl carried her off to destinations unknown.

Becky and Cass-Game Expos and Cosplay DangerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ