A Trip to South America?

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Becky started to kneel down to help pick up the comics when she saw Daryl, the rude guy she'd talked to earlier, enter the same exhibit Julie had disappeared into, "Uh, Cass. Did you see that?"

"No. I assume it was a bad guy?"

"An evil version of the Witcher, so, yeah," Becky retorted, "I think this is a diversion for something else, and my biggest suspect just showed up."

"Things falling apart for a diversion, for what?" Cass queried.

"I haven't had a moment to fill you in, just trust me on this."

"Let's go," Cass said simply.

They moved almost as one, leaping over the spilled rack.

It was all the heels on what happened next.

Becky slipped on one foot, not being the most agile in the damn things to start with, and would have sprained her ankle if she didn't grab Cass. Cass wobbled with Becky's additional mass, even though she was light, and they both fell on their butts, with Becky's long legs somehow hitting Cass in the stomach. Comics flew everywhere, and the vendor came up screaming at them.

"What the fuck!" the vendor yelled, running up to them. She stared angrily down at the sprawled out Becky and Cass.

With as much dignity as possible, Becky shakily climbed to her feet. Cass was laughing on the floor, but trying not to show it, "I'm sorry ma'am, I slipped on the comics and we both lost our balance," Becky apologized.

"You're going to pay for these," the vendor growled.

Becky stared at her for a split second, feeling like Julie was in more and more danger, "Actually you might have to pay for my sprained ankle, if it were to suddenly start hurting. Because after all, they fell in our walkway," she said pointedly.

The woman held up her hands, "Ok, ok. Sheesh. Can we forget this happened?"

"Already did," Becky said, pulling Cass to her feet. She slid out of her heels, and picked them up, deciding it would be quicker to sprint in her stocking clad feet. The powerful grip of tights, she thought wryly as her and Cass started running.

"Pulled out the old 'sue you' trick from Mom huh?" Cass smirked as they came up to the booth Julie had vanished into.

Becky nodded, "I don't necessarily like using it, but we have to look after Julie."

They peeked in, only seeing a Hispanic vendor sweeping some white powder into a dust pan.

"Is that cocaine?" Cass mouthed, and Becky figured her bf was spot on.

Becky chose strong arm tactics, and Cass had similar thoughts as she grabbed one of Becky's high heels. Each brandishing a heel, they approached the man. Becky tentatively tapped him on the shoulder.

"Madre de dios!" the man screamed, whirling around and spilling cocaine everywhere.

Becky held her heel in what she hoped was a menacing manner, but her hand shook a little, "Where is Julie? Small, dressed like a medieval soldier, white hair?"

"More like a bounty hunter, lots of leather," Cass offered.

"I don't know, I don't know seniorita!"

"Yes you do," Becky said sternly, "And that cocaine is proof enough!"

"Ok, ok he went that way," the man pointed through a back tent flap.

"I'll run and check, Cass you watch our friend here," without another word she darted through the back, pulling out her cell phone to dial the police. C'mon c'mon, Becky fumbled with her phone, finally unlocking it as she stepped behind the curtained exhibit. She noted that they were in the corner of the large expo, and a door led off into a backroom. She just tapped nine and a one when something hit her on the back of her head. Pain exploded in Becky's skull, and she collapsed to her knees, fighting to stay conscious. Too much multitasking. My god where did he hit me? she dazedly looked around, and refused to succumb to the knock on her head. My clothes are getting dirty from kneeling-wait no I'm supposed to be running from something? Becky moaned as she clutched her aching head in her hands.

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