Chapter 8

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(quick a/n before i get this started. i apologize for not posting at all, but tbh i really don't like this story and i kept it going only bcs of you guys. i re-read it and there are a lot of typos and grammar mistakes in previous chapters, so sorry for that, too. i cringed so hard while reading this back 😔👊. i believe this will be the last chapter and also the end of this ff. also the writing style will be VERY different from the past few chapters. thanks for reading and leaving all the nice comments! i love you all and enjoy!
now put on your seatbelts bcs this took me 3 weeks and it's still wack
also there are sO MANY PLOT HOLES IM SO SORRY)

~It's all over now~

After violently taking both Noen and Lauren into the house, the guys angrily stomped inside and slammed the door behind them.
Pushing them both to fall to the ground, the guy previously named 'their boss' stood confidently above both of them.

"You two. Did you really think you could escape us that easily? Especially you, Noen." he said giving him a stare "Tch. You've underestimated us quite a bit. Now, we'll show you who you're actually dealing with."

"Lock the girl in the room. I need to have a talk with this guy right here."

Two guys pulled Lauren up, off the ground and led her to a room in the back. Unlocking the door, one of the guys creepily laughed, which sent unpleasant chills down Lauren's spine.

After pushing her and locking her inside, Lauren found herself completely alone in a dark room.
There were a few boxes and a very old fold up bed on the floor.

The scent of mold and water dripping walls made her feel sick.

Only a little ray of moonlight was coming through a small window, way out of her reach.

At least this time they didn't tie her up.

Terrified of what's going to happen next, Lauren tried looking around for something to help her. Anything.


Unpatientely waiting for them to lock Lauren away, the man tapped his foot on the ground glaring at Noen, while he looked at the ground.

Noen didn't even dare to get up, knowing well what would happen if he did.

"You've loosened up, didn't you now huh? Did you forget where you come from? Did you dare forget who I am? All the things I've done for you, ungrateful brat!" the man said as Noen looked up at him.

He tried his best to hide his fear, but failed miserably as he started to tremble.

"All these years, I've kept you safe! I gave you a place to live when your parents abandoned you, you worthless piece of garbage!"

Clicking his tounge and shaking his head, the man squated down so he'd be at the same eye level as Noen.

Lowering his voice, he said "To even try run away like that was a" he gave him a shallow smile with deep piercing eyes "very, very, very bad idea."

Noen tried to calm himself down, so he took a deep breath and made sure to prepare himself for what he has to say next.

"Now, now. Before we think of how to penalize you, I'll be polite and let you say whatever you have on your mind." the man said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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