Big News

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I'm sitting at the kitchen table doing my homework. I turn on my phone to check the time as it reads 9:45. I turn it back off.

Harper has been up in her room on the phone with Alex talking about a boy named Riley I think. My parents come through the door singing and dancing. I smile at them as they come and give me hugs.

"How was your first day sweetheart?" My dad asks as he puts the groceries on the counter beside my homework.

I shrug, "It was fine, dad. How was yours?"

He couldn't be still as he looked over at my mom. My mom answered for him, "We have some big news for you and your sister! Where is she?"

I stood up and said, "I'll go get her." Big news? I wonder if it's good. I could really use some good news today it would make me feel a lot better.

"Harper!" I call to her as I start walking up the stairs. She meets me at our door as she opens it and says, "I'm on the phone with Alex. What do you want?"

"Mom and dad says they have big news they want to share with us." She looked conflicted, but told Alex that she would call her right back as we both raced downstairs.

Harper sits down in my spot forcing me to stand up and she asks, "So what's the big news?"

Mom and dad have already started putting the groceries away as they continued talking, "Well, pumpkin, you know how we have been auditioning all around for a new show to star in."


"Well, we finally landed our first big time role!" My eyes lit up. A big role how exciting! They will have costumes and music numbers every night.

Dad continued talking, "But this role is not here at Waverly Place." My smile got bigger even better somewhere far away sounds nice.

Mom says, "And since school just started, it won't be a problem for you girls to sign up in a new school."

Harper complains, "But mom, Alex and I have a whole bunch of things we were finally going to be able to do together this year! Like the Fall Dance!"

I wasn't even listening at this moment. A new place with new people with a chance to get away why wait? I could start packing tonight and have everything packed possibly by the end of the week.

Dad says, "I'm sorry, honey, but this is really important to your mom and I and we want nothing more than to share this experience with you."

Harper frowns and says, "What if I stayed with the Russos? They wouldn't mind. They treat me like family anyways. I could still go to school, and they could look after me!"

Better yet a life without Harper. Don't get me wrong I love my sister but from everything she's put me through a break is exactly what I need.

Mom and dad exchange glances with each other and said, "You know what if the Russos don't mind it would be perfectly fine with us if you wanted to live there for a little while."

She smiled and said, "You guys are the best thank you so much! I have to go call Alex and tell her oh we're going to be just like sisters!"

That kind of hurt.

However, I didn't care.

Mom and dad started singing again just like they did before and dancing as well. I grabbed my homework off the table and followed Harper up to our room.

She immediately called Alex, "Guess what you'll never believe it! My mom and dad are moving away for a little I know but they said I could stay with you while they're gone!"

I rolled my eyes as I finished my homework. Crap, I thought. I forgot to tell my parents I have detention tomorrow. Well, what they don't know can't hurt them. I pulled out my old suitcase looking around my room at the things I'll have to pack.

I sat up in bed smiling as I thought about leaving. I will finally have my own bed and my own bathroom! Mom and dad will have plays every day, and I can sit in the vip area to watch.

It will be so amazing!

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