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Real quick A/N
Please say a prayer for my mom. She's in surgery, and they're keeping her for a few days. You may now proceed.

I was sitting in the subway station with Justin, and Alex and Harper run right up to Alex's parents.

Alex says, "Mom, dad great news. Since Harper and I are almost out of highschool, we've decided that we're ready to get our own apartment and move out! What do you think?"

Her parents stood there shocked. Harper interrupts the silence and says, "I think they love it!"

They both turn away as Alex says, "Oh my goodness, I should start packing now."

Her dad stops her, "Wait a second. Did I hear you correctly? You wanna move out? I don't think you guys have thought this through."

Justin sitting next to me speaks up, "Doesn't matter because I have. I've actually been waiting for this moment for years. Here check it out."

He pulls out this little map with our pictures drawn out in stick people form.

"Here's a blueprint of the house without Alex in it."

She asks, "Well, where's my room?"

He continues, "Gone. I'm going to build my laboratory in it. Bonus, you can never move back in or visit."

I just had to say something now, "Well if Harper and Alex move out, I should be the one to take her room. I mean I am living in a basement at the moment."

He whispers to me, "We will talk about it."

Mrs. Russo goes up to us, "Alex, hunny, moving out is a very big deal for one thing you're gonna need money for things like food, rent."

Harper says, "Oh come on Alex and I agreed years ago that when we had enough money saved we would move out, right Alex?"

Alex started scanning the restaurant and picked up something saying, "I have a quarter."

Mr. Russo says, "What about utilities? Where are you gonna get the money for that?"

Alex shrugs and says, "Oh, I just figured I'd take some from here." She then picks up a fork and a spoon and pretends to eat with it.

Mr. Russo explains, "Those are utensils." She puts them back and says, "Well then, I don't know what utilities are. So, I probably don't need them."

I zoned out at the end of her sentence and started thinking about a Harper-free life.

I would be living with my crush, Harper would be gone, and my parents will be going to Romania tonight.

If anything, I support her one hundred percent.

Mrs. Russo then speaks up, "If you two can earn enough money to move out that will prove how serious you are and we'd be supportive."

They started to celebrate along with Justin. I guess he's excited for his sister to leave to.

Well, that's another thing we have in common I guess.

Everyone started clearing out of the room. It was just me, Justin and a few other customers.

Zeke walks through the front doors as me and Justin turn around to see him.

A few seconds ago our hands touched, but when Zeke entered the room he pulled his away just great.

"Hey, Justin! I just heard your sisters moving out. Now, we can take over her room. Operation sisters moving out so we can take over her room is in high gear."

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