SEVEN (Aranel POV)

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"... add salt, oregano and basil to the tomato..."

"All right..." I whisper reading the instructions Ruby left written for me, it doesn't seem difficult... till I realize she hasn't specified how much slat and herbs I must put in the stew. "Damn it..." I grumble staring at the fireplace, hesitating, there's enough tomato sauce to fill the entire cauldron which means I should add a lot. "What do you think, Luna?" The cat looks at me bored from the pillow where she's lying and she doesn't even meow so I decide to put a little less than the amount I think it's ideal, this way I won't mess it up and Ruby can add more later, when she comes back home. It's cold outside and the day is humid due to the fog although it's not raining, a perfect day to pick mushrooms but not to walk around without catching a cold and my wife ordered me to stay in the cave watching her cauldron. "I think this is ready..."

I remove the sauce from heat and go to wash my hands to the sink frowning, it's taking longer than I expected for the witch to come back home and I'm concerned in case she's had a problem. Ruby's been too stressed lately, she doesn't trust Malizia and thinks her silence is weird, she doesn't believe my former stepmother has forgotten about the way we fooled her getting married and is convinced that she'll find a way to have her revenge, only she doesn't know how yet... She even tried to find her through her mirror but the damned sorceress is very smart and has managed to avoid her till now, she's a powerful witch despite she can't compete with my wife, and Ruby fears for my safety. It feels good to know she really cares about me, although my girl considers me personal property and doesn't want her enemy to touch her toy, but I'm starting to notice some changes in her: she's more patient when talking to me, sweeter and kinder... I think the witch is starting to feel affection for me.

At least, that's what I hope since I'm falling in love with her. I think... I don't know, the truth is that everything is confusing and my feelings are different from those of the main characters in romantic novels I liked to read: no fireworks, hearts floating above my head or violin music in the background. Everything is intense instead, overwhelming, sometimes I feel like running out of air when I look right into Ruby's eyes and I'm scared of losing her... Exactly what I feel right now, it's getting late and my anxiety is skyrocketing. It seems so easy in fairy tales... one kiss and happy ever after. The end. I'm happy when I kiss my wife, there's no doubt, but I'd like to know if she feels something similar, I think I'd feel reassured if I know.

"Where the hell is she?" I growl angrily crossing my arms over my chest and staring at Luna who's still ignoring me.

"Aranel!" I turn around startled, feeling my heart beating in my throat when hearing the cry echoing against the stone walls.

"Ruby?" I move closer to the entrance of the tunnel behind the kitchen cautiously, I'm perplexed because I was expecting to see my wife walking through the main door, I don't understand what she's doing in the labyrinth of caves.

"Aranel, help me!" I stop for a second, hesitating, she ordered me not to get in the tunnel without her permission and this could be a trap of Malizia but, on the other hand, that's her voice and the protective pendant is cold on my chest when I touch it so I'm not in danger. I don't know what to do... "Aranel!" I take the lantern and the knife on the table quickly and rush to the tunnel without a second thought, I can't ignore Ruby's command voice that sends a shiver of fear down my spine... when the witch gets angry, bad things happen... A meow behind me startles me and I realize that Luna has followed me and runs next to me bewildered, it seems that she can hear the voice calling me too and has recognized her mistress... that makes me feel better, at least now I know I'm not crazy.

"Ruby?" I stop hesitating near the tunnel that leads to the thermal spring, I know the way here because I came to take a bath with my girl a few times, but I've never gone further. The cat sniffs the rocks around me and seems as confused as I am.

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