The Reveal

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  Edward and Jack stared at each other. Then Jack received a phone call from the station telling him that something happened and that he and Edward had to come quickly.

  They arrived back at the station. Everyone was pressured by what happened but Jack and Edward didn't know what happened.

  The sheriff then opened the television on the news channel.

  New Jersey's News Today: the intro ended, " This is Amanda Kingston here with you once again. A few minutes ago there is a video that went viral on the internet of the kidnapped people." the video started where it was in a room that had one person tied to a chair in it with a black cloth on their head. Then the video cuts to another room where it had the same thing and that was repeated 6 times total.

  " Six people went missing their identities are unknown till now but we hope those people return their homes safely. This Amanda Kingston, stay safe.".

  The news ended and the sheriff said angrily, " We need to know that he or she kidnapped okay. You all have an hour and a half, I will prepare a S.W.A.T team to go with you.".

  Jack then said, " We know two of the kidnapped people. One of them is Tracey, and the other is Reagan. We will find the rest as fast as possible, sir." the sheriff nodded and then left them to do their work.

  At Jason's house, his phone was ringing he got up from the bed. It was Max, Jason answered he then heard a lot of screaming noises he started to freak out the call then ended. He then received a message from 'User_7' on his Instagram. The message said ' Go to the new university branch right now or you'll never see your friends again.' Jason started getting goosebumps and he started to feel weak he then called Jessica but she didn't answer again as she didn't answer her phone for three days.

  Back at the station, Jack was running to the sheriff's office, " Sir, we located them they're at the new New Jersey University branch that is still under construction.".

  " Okay, go there you have everything you want just to get rid of this psychopath." the sheriff said.

  Edward, Jack, and the others started preparing their gear wearing the bulletproof vest and loading their guns.

  As Edward was going to tell the others the plan he received a message. He went to get his phone the message was from Tracey's account it was a video. The video started the recorder was recording the security cameras which appeared on it, Jason arriving at the university. Jack then told everyone to go and get into the cars quickly.

   New Jersey's News Today: the intro ends, " Amanda Kingston with you here again as we got new news for you. As from the last hour and a half since we received the video the police now is on their way.

  " As you can see the footage from our air drones that all the traffic is stopped around the city as the police are passing by. As the drones show us there are ten police cars on their way to the location including five normal cars and five S.W.A.T team cars we hope all the hostages return home today safely."

  Jason entered the university, just as he entered he found a paper saying ' Let's play a hide and seek. But remember you are not the seeker, you are the hider.' Jason threw the paper away angrily and started looking for his friends.

  Jason went to the library that was still under construction which made it super hard to search in it but as he was trying to get out of it he heard someone was trying to talk but something like duck tape that prevented him from talking.

  " Hello, don't worry I'll get you out from there," Jason said. He found the room broke the door and went in. It was Harry he was tied to a chair with his hands behind him. Jason managed to unrobe him but then suddenly Harry got out a needle and stuck it into Jason's neck and injected him with the drug.

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