Chapter Seven

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"I'm sorry son, if you're still injured by tomorrow then you can't play

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"I'm sorry son, if you're still injured by tomorrow then you can't play.  You know the rules.  Meet with the physical trainer today at the field house and we'll speak with him once he's done with his evaluation then we'll talk."

I groaned internally, knowing damn well what the physical trainer's evaluation would be.

"Yes coach."

"It's one game, not the end of the world."

"Maybe for other players, not for me.  I only have a few more chances after this to get it right and get a shot at the NFL."

"Yeah well, alls you need is one shot.  See you at the medical office later today."

"Thank you coach."

I huffed in frustration and slammed my phone down on the bed beside me, wishing I was still able to sleep in my nice King sized bed, instead of being reduced to a small full sized in my new 'room' if you could even call it that.

While the princess was at school, I had gone to the hardware store with Reed and had decided to use my rent money to buy the tools and French doors for the office as well as any furnishings that were needed to make it into an actual room.

It was half past two when we were finally finished with everything, and it just felt like a small, suffocating dorm room to me.

I needed to get my room back.

She was constantly on my mind and even though I wanted to tell myself it was because I was just wanting to play her so I could get my space back, I knew it was something more than that.

I needed a plan to get my room back, that was my only interest in her.  Even as I thought it, I knew I was lying to myself.

Lydia arrived home in a huff and locked herself in her room so since that particular little plan would be on hold for the night I grabbed my things and escaped to my division one campus that was only a few miles further away than the school Lydia, Reed and Lucas all attended.

Walking onto campus was always surreal.  The turned heads and longing glances from the majority of the female students was enough to inflate my ego, but it was the fist bumps and hearty congratulations from the guys that let me know how much of a good job I really was doing out on the field.

I needed to be in the NFL.  I had to, it was my dream ever since I was seven years old when my dad first taught me the game.

It was always his dream to play professionally, too, but his dream got transferred over to me when I was old enough to play and I promised him on his death bed that I would carry out that dream for him no matter what.

So, walking into that physical trainer's office that day, I put my thoughts on hold and only focused on not grimacing in obvious pain when the doctor twisted my leg this way and that way, poking and prodding at my muscles in excruciating torture but I couldn't let that be known.

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