Chapter Twelve

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"Holy shit

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"Holy shit."

I didn't know whose mouth that sentiment came from but it echoed the thoughts running through my head.

Watching Lydia slug that guy in the face was probably the hottest thing I'd ever seen a girl do before, and it left me running after her to make sure she was okay.

I found her outside with her head tucked between her knees and cradling her right hand.

I knew firsthand how bad it hurt to punch someone with the incorrect form, and from the look of the red swelling wrist hanging limply by her side, it didn't seem like she had the best technique when she punched Nate.

"Are you okay?"

Her blue eyes rimmed in red raised up to meet mine and the flashing headlights of countless cars illuminated the silent tears that had tracked their way down her face.

Shit. I couldn't stand it when girls cried...

"I'm fine."

She sniffed and wiped her cheeks with the back of her good hand, wincing in pain as the slight movement jostled her dangling wrist.

"Here, let me help you with that."

I bent down to inspect her wrist but out of reflex or habit, I wasn't sure which one, she flinched back away from my closeness.

I bit back the hurt that flushed through me when she did that but I could see the pain reflected back at me through her eyes and I knew she didn't do it to hurt me on purpose.

"Sorry..." she trailed off, a guilty expression flitting onto her tear stained face.

I slid down against the brick exterior of the club and sat down with her.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I didn't want to push her, and I knew she'd talk about whatever she needed to with her friend or her brother, I was just trying to offer a supportive ear. I couldn't have her, but maybe I could make her feel a little better. I had to try.

"What's there to talk about? My drunk ex fiancee won't leave me alone even though he's living with my home wrecking ex best-friend and destroyed the only material possession of mine that ever meant anything to me? I hope she chokes on his dick when she's giving him head and gives him an STD."

"Wait, what did they destroy of yours?"

She paused and I could tell she was in deep thought of what she was about to say.

"It doesn't matter. It's gone now, not like I can get it back."

I sighed, resting my hand on her knee but as I did so I felt her entire body stiffen at my touch. I wasn't doing it to come on to her, it just felt natural as we were so close, but I didn't know if she stiffened from annoyance or want.

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