Chapter 1

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Hay guy's first I want to clarify something I love SKÄDCHEN about everything this story should not come over without disrespect ok maby a bit.

And I will know that there are people who have a different opinion on this topic but I don't care about you're opinion.

Either you have the same as me or you like it them and as a couple  I want to know what's behind the picture and these are my thoughts.

It was a Saturday morning's first day for Megan in her new home with her new boyfriend Skeet.

Skeet was at least 25 years older than her but he could give her everything she wanted he was an actor because he had a lot of money an extremely big house a pool and of course also a great reach and a lot of fans.

Megan liked that very much because she had never been with one who could offer her so much.

Ok if she sometimes went stranger while she had a solid relationship and then got down to work with some people Sex hit she didn't know she also got a bunch of money such a kind of Shuggar Daddy website.

Because she is very attractive and sexy, she captivates many men and of course only uses them.

But this time she didn't use a web page, but tried it with a rich old man who was too stupid to realize that she was just taking advantage of him and just wanted the financial things and the fame and of course Sex with him.

Of course, they don't get out Love with Skeet together, of course, only because she wanted to take advantage of him and when he agreed that she was the only one to be allowed, she rejoiced at both ears.

From that moment on, she was stuffed with money and, of course, also with kisses and love from Skeet who really believed that she had feelings for him and loved him.

She knew full well that he had many divorces and his heart was broken countless times, which certainly does not happen if I do it like the others and take advantage of him.

Voite for a second part 🤣

I thought I really love her but it wasn't like that Where stories live. Discover now