Strange Lie

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A lot of wanted a story update so here we go and omg thx for almost 900 reads 😋🤩

+ I thought it would be better to add a real titles and not always Chapter 6


When Skeet went to the supermarket he couldn't let go of the thought that Megan had something to do with it.

But on the other hand he thought maybe it was just an accident and went on.

When he arrived at the supermarket, he worked out the shopping list step by step.

When he was about to buy the nail polish and the make-up for her, his phone vibrated, which caught his attention.

For a short moment, he saw an email that went to Megan.

Since megan had logged in on his mobile phone because she wanted to order something, he had her email address and the rest of her data.

Skeet didn't believe his eyes when he saw it. It was a nasty one of a man who called himself Claudius.

His message was:

"when is Skeet or what ever his name is finally gone I can't wait.. My handcuffs arrived today babe 🤫😏”.

But for more than a few seconds he didn't saw it as the Mädchen called him

“Hey Mads what's up?” Skeet asked her with a confused voice

“I just wanted to say that I can't wait until you're finally there and we can do something together again like in the old days”.

“I miss you that shouldn't sound cheesy now or something like that.”

said Mädchen because it was silent for a few seconds

„No that doesn't sound cheesy at all”

said Skeet

“I miss you too Mads and I also miss our tea and schokomuddins evenings he sayed with a grin on this face

“I'm shopping right now should I bring you something?”

“For the flight I mean” sayed skeet

“Ah yes sure said Mädchen”

he was able to hear the joy clearly in her voice

“I already know exactly what” said skeet with a disensifted voice

“Yes I also know it our long-term favorite”

"For long hours on set" both said at once

“Do you think about what I am thinking about?”

Said Skeet with a broad grin on his face

“Yes, of course knows I know you mean”

said Mädchen with a grin on her face too

„OK good I get it said skeet”

“But now I have to hang up and pack suitcases until later Love you Mädchen”

then Skeet hang up

When Mädchen hears skeets voice she forgot her problems and everything else around her.

And when they were together it always was like in a bubble.

Their bubble and nobody was able to destroy it.

“He sayed he love me”

sayed Mädchen with a pound smile on her face

Skeet went to the checkout and paid for everything

When he was home, he put the things the brought on the table


He sayed with a clear but also loud voice

Megan came down the stairs and kissed Skeet on his lips

“Yes babe what's up”

Do you already have plans what we gonna do today because you have to go already tonight

if you're not there I'm probably bored to death

“Why”  asked skeet with a stunned voice?

“Because you aren't here”

sayed megan with a sad voice

„Megan May I Ask You Something”

“Yes sure babe what's up”

“Tell me the truth and don't lie to me”

Yes what you wanna know ? Asked Megan with a concerned vocie

Do you meet with strangers ?

“What exactly do you mean asked megan with a stunned voice”

“Do you had an affair”?

Skeet screamed at her

Part 2 comes soon hopefully XD

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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I thought I really love her but it wasn't like that Where stories live. Discover now