Chapter 15

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Belle POV.

I opened the door and it was Fairy Godmother. I was relieved until she said, "Belle, Ben wants to visit, I've stalled him as long as I can" I  was completely shocked, but it was bound to happen at one point, so I said, "When?" she started laughing uncontrollably until she stopped, looked down and quietly said, " tomorrow" I then shouted, "TOMORROW! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO" then Evie walked to the door and said, "I listened to everything, and I have a plan. Also Fairy Godmother this whole time you knew Mal was here too?" Fairy Godmother nodded and I said, "Evie, the plan?" she replied with, "right, well, if you still lived in Auradon you might have known I have my own castle now, I moved out the dorms, my plan is to have Mal and her many children to stay with me, Carlos and Jay at my castle until Ben has left here, and as for all the kid stuff everywhere, well we can clear it up right away and Mal and Fairy Godmother can use magic?"

I then said, "Well that's the only plan going so let's tell the others" we went into the other room and told them everything then Mal said, "If that's what we have to do then we will, but Evie, Jay, Carlos, why are you being so nice about this, I've been gone for years and you seem like you don't mind and you just want to continue how we were" then Evie said, "Mal, you're our sister from another mister, you know we love you and we understand you left, but we also understand why, well kind of, I can't speak for Jay and Carlos but I forgive you" Jay then said, "I forgive you too, any way you have a lot of news to bare so you will need us" then Carlos said, "I couldn't put it better myself"  I smiled and said, "what's this news you bare anyway" the 3 looked at each other and then Jay said, "I think that's more of a private conversation between us and Mal, for another, what about all this clearing we have to do" then he picked up a toy and said, "like this horsey" Mackenzie walked over to him and said, "silly billy, thats Unicorn" we all started laughing except Jay and Mal said, "even a 2 year old is smarter than you" then Mackenzie gave him a hug. Jay then sarcastically said, "that was so evil" then Mal laughed and said, "so she turned out just like the rest of us then" suddenly Fairy Godmother clapped her hands and said, "wonderful moment but we have a house to clear, let's go people" then we started cleaning the house.

Once we had picked up everything that wasn't mine or Adam's we put it all in the middle of the room and Fairy Godmother used her wand and sent it all to Evie's castle. I gave Mal a hug and said, "Mal it won't be long and you will be back home" then I gave Maddie, Mason, Mackenzie, and Maisie hugs and so did Adam. It was now dark, Fairy Godmother stayed back and everyone else snuck to Evie's castle hoping no one would notice anything on the way. Later that evening I got a call from Mal saying they made it there and were just going to bed, I just hope that no one notices they are at Evie's and that Ben doesn't notice that we have been hiding Mal.

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