Chapter Seventeen

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One month later



"Kane!" Clover yelled as she searched the house for her missing husband. She didn't think that it'd be so hard to find a man in their house, but it was. The house was bigger than she thought.

Kane was in his study reading some books about pregnancy. He didn't want to be ill-informed about anything that Clover had to go through during the nine months.

He finished three today, and he was currently reading one called, One Plus One Equals Three.

"Kane!" He heard Clover yell from outside of the door.

Scary scenarios ran through his head at her yelling for him, so he threw the book and rushed to find her.

"Darlin, is everythin alright?" He asked concerned.

Kane tenderly placed his hand on Clover's forehead to see if she was feeling sick, and shook his head once he was done.

"I'm fine, I was just looking for you." She mumbled while gazing at Kane's hand on her head.

"Oh, I was in my study readin up on some books about pregnancies and stuff. I want to make sure I know everythin I need to know," He said sincerely.

Clover smiled and her heart grew warm at Kane's actions. "Aww, you're the sweetest! You're gonna be a great dad,"

"Thanks, darlin. But speakin of dad, when are we gonna tell our parents?"

Clover shrugged as if she hadn't thought about it. But in reality, she thought that their parents would be, well, she didn't know how they'd react, she was just nervous to tell them.

"Um, whenever you'd like," She answered meekly, drawing Kane's attention even more.

Kane sighed and opened his arms for Clover to walk into. "You don't have to be afraid, everyone's gonna be so excited for us, I promise." He said in a comforting manner.

Clover melted in the warmth of Kane's strong arms that she loved so much. "Okay, I trust you. We can tell them this weekend, we'll have dinner,"

Kane pecked Clover's forehead and led her to their bedroom. "Sounds good to me, darlin."


"Hi, sweetheart! You look so beautiful, doesn't she, Michael?" Nelly gushed as she walked into the house with Michael following suit.

Clover smiled and hugged Nelly. "I'll say the same to you, you look beautiful Mrs. Nelly. It's nice to see you again,"

Clover hugged Michael as Kane hugged Nelly. "How've you been, sweet girl?" Michael asked with a soft smile.

"I've been great, I can tell you've been the same! It's always nice to see you, Mr. Michael," Clover answered honestly. She loved Nelly and Michael, they were like grandparents, just plain sweet.

Nelly held Kane for a minute and whispered. "She's pregnant, isn't she?"

Kane's body froze for a moment at his mother's words and then he chuckled. Of course, his mother knew, she always tried to figure things out before they were announced, which is why he never liked watching mystery shows with her. She spoiled every episode.

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