Hair Gel

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Draco POV:

I knew Potter would be still standing by the wall, even after I'd left him. I didn't even need to turn around to check. I could feel his gaze on my back and his reaction had already showed me everything I needed to know.

"Why'd you leave? I saw you go in the same direction of Potter." Pansy sneered as she said Potter's name.

"I went to the toilet." I answered, not even bothering to look at her. For some reason, Pansy had been sticking her nose a lot more in my business and this annoyed me. She muttered something besides me but I ignored her.

Potter was in my potions class. I felt like I had already seen enough of him and it was barely past breakfast. On the other hand, teasing Potter was fun.

He was so easy to work up and I finally felt like I had some power over him, I was better than him in something. I mean, I feel like I am much better than 'The Chosen One', but apparently nobody agreed with that.

I walked into Potions, seeing the desk next to Granger was empty, where Potter usually sat.

Not surprising at all.

Granger must have thought I was looking at her because she looked at me and gave me a glare, opening her book. What a try hard.

I sat down in my seat with all the other Slytherins waiting for Professor Snape to come.

Snape walked in, the class going silent, as the permanent frown he had on his face seemed to grow more as he looked at the empty desk where Potter should've sat at.

"Miss Granger, do you know where your dear companion, Mr Potter, is?" He asked just as Potter came rushing in.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Professor Snape." His cheeks were red from the running I presumed. He looked around the classroom, making eye contact with me. I raised my eyebrow at him snickering quietly as he averted his gaze away from me.

"Well students, due to your good friend Mr Potter, I'm going to choose new partners for everyone and for you Mr Potter, that's 10 points from Gryffindor."

A loud series of groans and murmurs came from the class as a sheepish Potter went to sit down next to Granger who was sporting a disappointed expression- like she was a mother scolding her child who had just stolen a sweet.

" Now, for the partners.." He started. I zoned out, waiting for my name. I better have a good person, even if I didn't, I would just have to be in control, as usual.

" Mr Potter and....Let's see. " He looked around the room, his eyes scanning for his next victim. His eyes stopped at me.

Crap. I should've looked away.

" Oh yes, Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy." He finished. Snorts came from behind me as I reluctantly stood up to go sit next to Potter.

It's not that Potter was bad at potions, he just didn't try most of the time.

"Today you'll be brewing Amortentia, a love potion if you wish. The aroma of the potion is different for everyone, each smell reminding the person of the things they find most attractive or are fond of. Each of you will smell it but do not taste it. Instructions are on the board." He stated.

What a great coincidence.

"Alright then. Potter, go get the ingredients." I instructed, looking over the list of things we needed. He stood up, then as if remembering something, he stopped abruptly.

"Wait why don't you get it? I'm not your personal slave." He retorted back.

"Now Potter, that's no way to speak to your teacher." I smugly smiled.

"You're not my teacher Malfoy. Stop being annoying." He was getting more and more irritated making me smile even more.

"Oh really? What did we talk about last night huh?" I asked. At this, he scowled but unwillingly went to get the ingredients. I watched him as he stopped to talk to Weasley, looking like he was complaining about something.

Probably about me.

Weasley turned to look at me, a frown on his face. Before I could react, he had already turned back to Potter. They stopped having their conversation when they saw Professor Snape looking at them as Potter finally came back with the ingredients.

"That took a while."

He shrugged his shoulders in response. Typical.

I looked at the ingredients he had brought back: one ashwinder egg, rose thorns, refined peppermint oil, moonstone and mother of pearl.

"Perfect. You give me the ingredients and I'll add them in and stir the mixture." I directed.

He shrugged again. Loving the enthusiasm.

Somehow, we were able to make the potion without anything blowing up which I already considered a win.

"That seems correct to me. 10 points to Slytherin." Snape observed.

"How about Gryffindor Professor?" Potter boldly asked.

Snape looked at Potter with the blankest stare I had ever seen, then walked away. I was so tempted to laugh at Potter's face, but I held it back, not wanting to get on Snape's bad side.

"Let's smell it?" I suggested.

"Okay." This was the first time we had both agreed on something today and it was quite relieving.

"I smell treacle tart, a woody scent and.... mint?" His face morphed into one of confusion when he said the last word before turning into one of realisation. I don't know what he realised but he quickly kept quiet after saying that.

"Right. Well, I smell green apples, broom polish and um.. hair gel." I muttered the hair gel part, it seemed a bit embarrassing to say.

Now it was his turn to raise his eyebrow at me with his eyes sparkling as I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew what he wanted to say, but I did not want to get called out by him.

There was silence between us, both of us lost in our thoughts, until Potter opened his big mouth.

"So.. Hair gel then?" He laughed.

"Shut up Potter."

But I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face.

A/N: This was acc alright tbh. The ending's cute ig. It took me too long but I don't know where this is going lmao but enjoy reading! 22/06/20


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