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Third Person POV:

"It's getting close now. Gryffindor are behind by 10 points, if their star seeker Harry Potter is able to get the Golden Snitch, they'll win, but it looks like the seeker's been a bit distracted.. But that's alright, everyone knows Harry Potter could beat Slytherin in his sleep. " Harry heard Lee's voice bellow around the stadium. Instead of comforting him, it put more pressure on him to win the game.

His heart was pounding, and his hand was beginning to feel clammy as he scoured the surroundings to see any traces of the golden snitch. He could see Draco near him, also looking for clues of where to find it. Draco had a sour look on his face, most likely from the not so nice commentary that had been going on for the whole game.

Harry was about to turn around, look in a different place, when he saw the shimmering of gold near the Gryffindor's goalposts. Immediately, he positioned his broom down, leaning forward and tearing after it. Draco quickly caught on, him also aligning himself in a way that he could go quicker.


Relief washed over Harry's body as soon as he caught it. He felt like a huge weight had just been lifted off of his shoulders as he turned to look at the Blonde boy who was suddenly fixated by his broom.

As soon as Harry was back in the ground, he was greeted by his friends.

"I knew you could do it." Hermione exclaimed, going in to give him a hug before deciding against it and giving him an awkward high five.

" You were so awesome mate. You should've seen the way Malfoy was staring at you." Ron paused, thinking about the game.

"Actually, scrap that, the looks he was giving you was kind of creepy. Like a person who was still in love with their ex. Gross." Ron shuddered while Harry gave him a confused look.

"Ignoring that though, you were great. Gryffindors for the win." He cheered, giving Harry a bro hug.

Harry thanked them both, and started heading towards the changing rooms when he saw Ginny.

"Hey Ginny."

"You were so good out there, well done." She complimented, giving him a hug. Harry was sure he was sweaty, but Ginny didn't seem to notice, or if she did, she just didn't care.

Harry opened his mouth to thank her, maybe even start a small conversation, when he felt someone crash into him behind, surprising him so much, that he stupidly lost his balance and fell onto the ground, hearing a click as his knee took the impact.

"Merlin Harry, are you okay?" Harry nodded at Ginny, getting back up and leaning on one leg slightly.

"I can take you to Madam Pomf-" Ginny started to offer.

"Draco take Harry to Madam Pomfrey, since you were the one who wasn't looking where you were going." Madam Hooch ordered.

Harry looked at Draco to see him looking down at the ground, a guilty look written on his face.

Ginny gave Harry an apologetic smile, before going back to the stands to meet with her friends. Harry watched her for a little bit until he felt someone's shoulder bump his.

"Let's go Potter." Draco scowled.

Someone was in a foul mood.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" Harry limped next to Draco, every step he took sending painful jolts up his knee.

"My knickers.. what's twisting?" Draco stopped, turning to face Harry with an eyebrow raised.

"It's a muggle saying. Heard it from one of the first years so I asked them what it meant." Harry proudly explained.

"Of course you're friends with first year muggles." Draco carried on walking.

Harry was about to explain he wasn't, but just decided to keep quiet since it wasn't really that serious of a misunderstanding. 

"Slow down, you're walking too fast." Harry groaned, his knee was killing him and Draco's long legs weren't helping the situation by speeding ahead.

"I'm not walking too fast, you're walking too slo-" Draco turned around, stopping when he saw the younger limping.

"Merlin Harry, you really are a liability." 

Harry gave him a grin, just as Draco put his am around Harry's waist to support him, making Harry put his hand on Draco's shoulder. Draco's breathing quickened at the close proximity to Harry. Of course, Harry had slept on his shoulder before, but it didn't seem as serious then since they were both basically half asleep, but now, they were both as awake as they could be. Draco began to get lost in his thoughts until Harry opened his mouth, once again.

"Ugh I could really do with a shower right now and maybe some treacle tart. Actually, definitely some treacle tart." Harry complained again.



"Do you ever stop talking?"

Harry gave him a glare.

"You're rude." He mumbled.

Harry kept quiet until they got to Madam Pomfrey, trying hard to ignore the dull thudding in his head, that he knew would soon turn into a headache.

"What happened to you boys? These Quidditch games seem to be getting more and more dangerous each year." Madam Pomfrey asked as soon as they walked into the infirmary.

"Malfoy shov-" 

"We ran into each other." Draco quickly intervened.

"Okay.. Well let's get you both checked then." Pomfrey gave both of them a suspicious look, as they stood there sheepishly, like two kids who had just been caught stealing candy.

"Oh no, I'm fine. I just had to assist Potter here." Draco explained, stepping back.

"Well if you ran into each other as you said, I'd like to check both of you out." Madam Pomfrey sternly said making Draco stay quiet.

Madam Pomfrey turned her attention back to Harry, looking down at his knee that looked slightly out of place. Giving her wand a few flicks, Harry heard a popping noise .He let out a grunt, not being prepared for the invisible force that had just hit his knee.

"That knee needs to be rested. Take a bed, you'll be staying here overnight. There's some pain-relieving potions in the cupboard if you need them, but you know which ones to drink?"

Harry nodded, feeling Draco's stare on the side of his head.

"And as for you Draco," Madam Pomfrey turned to Draco, making him look away from Harry and to her.

Madam Pomfrey pointed her wand at Draco, doing a spell to check for any injuries.

"I can't see any visible injuries, but I'd like you to also stay here overnight. There's a bed next to Harry which you can take, no arguments." She instructed and with that, she walked out, but not before reminding them that there was to be no visitors.

Draco went to sit on a bed, Harry following behind him, sitting on the bed next to Draco's.

Silence fell upon the room for a few moments before the brown haired boy couldn't help and interrupt it.

"Told you Gryffindor was better."

A/N: i had to search so much about madam Pomfrey and quidditch so if i get anything wrong just tell me. Enjoy reading.

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