4. Negotiation

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Song: The President Has A Sex Tape - K. Flay






A grin was slowly spreading across his face. "Yes, a test. You killed that boy, didn't you? And you managed to stab me, you passed with flying colours."

This fucking bastard.


The little control I had over my emotions crumbled as my fury bubbled over and burst. 

I did what anyone would do in this situation, I lunged.

Aiming straight for his throat, I wanted to do nothing other than watch the life drain out of his coal eyes. The element of surprise had him flung to the floor in only a few seconds. 

My legs straddled his chest as I put all the strength in my body on his throat.

His hand came up and punched me in the face but I didn't let go of my vice-like grip. He punched my cheekbone, harder this time, but I still didn't budge.

This is where he would die, I would make sure of it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him reach for the gun that he had dropped when I tackled him. 

I quickly kicked it further away with my foot.

In the short amount of time that I had been distracted, his other hand whipped around for another punch, but this time it didn't head to my face but somewhere more private. 

My left boob.

A dirty move.

My hands unintentionally slackened around his neck and he took the opportunity to flip me around so that he was now sitting on my hips and my arms were pinned above my head with both of his hands.

"You're a feisty one aren't you?" He commented, looking down at me, a little breathless.

I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but to no avail. He was too goddamn heavy. 

What does this guy eat for breakfast? 


"Good thing you're my type else I would've killed you for that pathetic attempt to kill me."

He took one of his hands away from pinning me down and cupped my cheek. I laid still, not knowing what the hell was going on. 

What kind of kidnapper treated their victims like this?

"The green eyes suit you better." He stated before putting his hand in my hair.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

"Are you done ogling my face?" I asked him, annoyance clear in my words.

He only chuckled.

"So carota, this is how it's going to go. If you do not want to die here, you will work for me. I have 10 people that I want gone and you," he booped my nose, "are going to take them out."

(Translation: Carrot)

Did he just call me a carrot?

"Do not worry, I will pay you triple the amount they pay you at MI6 and you will-"

"How do you know who I work for?" I spat, cutting him off.

"Carota, do you not know that it is not nice to interrupt someone when they are speaking?" He asked with a smile on his face. He was treating me like how parents are supposed to treat their kids and I didn't like it.

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