5. Introductions

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Song: Starstruck - Sorry





I was surrounded by a field of colourful flowers that reached so high they tickled my collarbone. 

For a minute there was pure bliss before I could sense that something was following me, breaking me out of my stupor. 


So I did. 

I was sprinting as fast as one could in a field of flowers, my heart hammering.

I could feel the presence getting closer but I didn't stop, I didn't have the time to.


Immediately, I squatted down, hoping that the long flowers would cover me from whatever was chasing me.

"Adelaide?" I heard a gruff voice call out to me.

It sounded somewhat familiar. I wondered where I'd heard it from. 

I peeked over the flower heads.

Who said that?

"Where are you, bitch?" I whispered to myself, frantically looking around to spot my attacker.

"Adelaide, I'm here." The mysterious voice answered back.

I felt something touch my shoulder and I was brought back to reality. 

It took me a minute to realize that I was no longer engulfed by flowers but instead sitting in a damn comfortable Tesla.

Just a dream

I turned my head to see that Romano, an amused look displayed on his face.

"I think you just called me a bitch in your sleep, carota."  He said, taking his hand off my shoulder.

"Well, I wasn't lying," I mumbled.

 "Where are we? Why'd you wake me up?" I cringed at the lack of authority in my voice, the questions coming out as pleading instead of demanding. 

Romano chuckled at my many questions before handing me a bottle of water from the back of the car.

Jeez, this guy was prepared.

I opened the cap and quickly downed half the bottle before realizing that Romano was openly staring at me as I did so.

"Whatcha looking at?" I said before draining the rest of the bottle and leaning back in the comfy car seat, letting out a content sigh, and also completely forgetting about my previous queries.

Romano cleared his throat and I looked over to him only to realize that his hands weren't on the wheel.

"Oh shit, is the car driving itself?" I asked, amazed.

Romano started to chuckle again at my obvious amazement. 

This guy laughs a lot for a mafia boss. 

I was under the impression they were all supposed to be brooding, possessive assholes that were emotionally insecure but this guy looked to be all sunshine and rainbows, laughing and smiling at everything.

Maybe I read too many Wattpad books before going on this mission.

"Si, the car is driving itself. We're getting close to the main house and I didn't want you to miss our entrance so I woke you up, cavolo."

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