6 | Affection

457 48 190

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January 20th, 2015 



          Tim was sweaty.

          He was unbelievably and disgustingly drenched from the arm pits down.

          He threw his bike onto the ground and grabbed the middle of his shirt, pulling to and from to give his chest some air. Fortunately, his shirt was black and didn't reveal too much of his state. The sweat dripped down the side of his face and he was grateful for the cover of night.

          He wasn't so grateful for the big house that loomed ahead, song and conversation heard from the driveway. He felt pangs of anxiety grapple his heart, making him think twice of why he was there and making him question whether or not he should turn and peddle away. No one would have known he left, no one would have cared, so why couldn't he just do it?

          It was Josie.

          She surprised him earlier that day when she invited him to the house party. She was just so excited and just so pretty that he couldn't tell her that the thought made him want to puke.

          Josie suggested he pick her up so they could go together, but as he thought of his sad excuse of a bike, he knew he couldn't have possibly fit her on it. Instead of saying he didn't have a car to match his license yet, he said he had errands to do and that he would meet her there no later than an hour after the party started.

          He was three hours late.

          And sweaty. Unbelievably and disgustingly so.

          He found a spot at the side of the well manicured lawn, hoping and praying that no one would steal his ride home. As his shirt clung to every possible angle of his back and torso, he made his way to the large wooden doors that stood so stoic at the front.

          He still had time to turn away and go home and do his homework, but the thought of a girl with blonde hair and a nice smile encouraged him forward.

          He didn't need to knock because the door was left ajar, and he was tentative in pushing it open. Almost as soon as he stepped through, his nostrils were assaulted with the smell of weed and alcohol. 

          He recognised a lot of his fellow classmates mulling around the foyer and stairs, though for as many as he knew, there were twice the amount he didn't. He wasn't sure how he would find Josie with as many people as there were, and he was growing more annoyed thinking about Greg and how he wouldn't dare enter the Paille's house.

         "He and his brother are just going to ruffle my hair and call me buddy the whole night, I fucking hate that," Greg had complained.

         A boy with black hair caught his attention, and Tim did a double take to see that it was Rudy, one of his best friends.

          Rudy stood with his arms spread wide, animating something to a couple girls that stared on with unimpressed eyes. Tim knew his famous line was coming, something Rudy had always tried to wow people with:

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