Chapter Four

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I packed up to returned home the next morning. A part of me wanted to hike out into the woods and tell Slendy bye, but I didn't feel like having to explain it to my dad. I hadn't told him about my little encounter, not that he would believe me even if I did.

As my dad's truck pulled out of camp I thought I saw a tall figure standing just inside the tree line, although I could have been imagining it.

My parents house was an hour and a half away from where my dad and I hunted. The drive was long and uncomfortable, but it ended eventually.

Living so far away, I knew it would be a long time before I saw the Slender man again. IF I ever saw him again...

That thought made me sad for some reason. Why did I care? Sure it was cool to meet a living myth, but he was a murderer and a child eater. He wasn't even human.

It occurred to me that I was being silly. Slender man couldn't care less about me, I was sure. I just happened to hold his interest for a day. Big deal.

As I drifted off to sleep that night, I was thinking about him. My dozing mind didn't register the small noise in my room, nor the gentle hand that brushed the hair out of my face. A soft voice whispered, "Always watches, my little Sky."

I dreamed about him that night (I was actually sure it was a dream this time.) I was in the Slender game searching for the very last note. I could hear him behind me, getting closer with every second. The static in my ears kept getting louder and louder.

A black tentacle snaked around my waist and started pulling me back. I didn't fight it, I didn't scream. I simply stared ahead, my eyes wide and mouth open slightly in shock at being caught.

A warm, solid force collided with my back. Slender arms wrapped around me from behind and held me there. Long, pale fingers cupped my cheek and pointed my face up. I smelled peppermint.

"My little Sky."

I say bolt upright in my bed. "What the fuck was that?" I exclaimed.

'This is what happens when you over think things,' my subconscious scolded me. I told her to shove it.

I looked over at my alarm clock. It would go off in just a few minutes anyway, I might as well go ahead and get up.

I went into the bathroom and popped my contacts in. I stared into the mirror. The girl before was boring. Her waist length golden blonde hair was starting to show light brown at the roots and her hazel eyes were rapidly blinking to get her contacts to focus. Her nose was a little too big to be pretty and she had a bit of acne on her forehead. I had to admit, at least she had a nice body. If only her chest was a little bigger... and if she wasn't so short.

I sighed. Slender man was right, I was little.

Looking at my reflection, I had to wonder why someone like Slender would find an interest in me. I was so... plain. There really wasn't a whole lot special about me. I was pretty, but not beautiful. My grades were good, but not fantastic. I did a couple sports, but I never won. I was, purely and simply, mediocre.

I stuck my tongue out at my reflection and left the room. I finished getting ready for school and walked out to get in my car. As I pulled out of the driveway I could have sworn I saw a tall pale man in my rear view, but when I turned my head no one was there.

"Sky Steele, quit psyching yourself out. Get a grip girl," I mumbled to myself. I sighed. Today was going to be a very long day.

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