Chapter Nineteen

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We walked out of the theater into the dark night. The mid December air was chilly and the wind bit at my nose and cheeks. The atmosphere whispered the threat of snow. I looked up and down the streets and admired the Christmas lights that twinkled in the trees and behind shop windows. It surprised me to realize that Christmas was just over a week from now. My how the time had flown.

The city was beautiful. It never failed to take my breath away - especially at night. The lights and the life that thrived here fascinated me. I wasn't by any means a small town girl who was easily impressed by the bustling big city, but I could admire beauty.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Jackson asked as he came to stand next to me, reading my mind it seemed.

"Yeah," I sighed dreamily.

He put his arm around my shoulder casually. Just as casually I shrugged out of his embrace. I think he pretended not to notice. "How'd you like the movie Sky?" he asked.

"It was awesome," I said with wide, excited eyes.

He grinned at me. "Glad you enjoyed it."

"Are you kidding? It scared the living hell out of me!" Joanna whined as she came to stand next to her brother.

"Me too," Mariah said in her soft, mouse-like voice.

Drew was grinning like Jackson and me. "Personally, I loved it," she said with a shrug, tossing her long, platinum blonde hair over her shoulder. "So what now guys? Dinner?" she suggested.

"Lead the way," I said.

The four of us ended up at a small hole-in-the-wall place called 'Papa Jay's.' The food was good and the restaurant was cozy. We talked for a long time - about the movie, other friends, and life in general. All the while I tried to ignore the prickling sensation at the back if my neck. It was a sensation I'd become quite familiar with.

My phone told me it was just after midnight by the time we left the restaurant. Mariah squeaked and frantically mumbled that she was past curfew. She quickly said her goodbyes and made her way back to her little blue Volkswagen Beetle. Poor Mariah had some of the strictest parents I'd ever heard of. I didn't blame her at all for taking off so quickly.

I started to say something about taking off ourselves, but Jackson interrupted me. "Hey, I know where we should go," Jackson said excitedly.

"Hm?" Drew inquired.

"There's this great club not too far from here," he told us remaining three.

"But we're all underaged," I said.

Drew sighed in agreement. "And we don't have any fake IDs," she pointed out.

"Trust me, you won't need them," he promised.

I shot him a dubious look, but we followed him regardless. Joanna wasn't questioning him, so I assumed she knew what was going on too.

The club seemed a little shady. Most of the letters in the neon sign weren't lit so I couldn't quite make out the name. As we approach the bouncer, my muscles clenched in anticipation for having to run for it when he asked for ID. But like Jackson had told us, he didn't ask for them. As we passed, I saw him slip the guy a bill. Hm. Bribery.

"They don't really care about minors here, as long as the cops don't get involved," Jackson yelled over the music that boomed around us once we were inside. "As long as we pay, we're in."

The four of us made our way over to the bar. I hung back as Jackson and Drew ordered drinks. "What'll you have Sky?" Joanna asked as she stepped forward.

I hesitated, not sure if drinking was a good idea. Sure, I'd had alcohol before, but very little and never in public. 'You shouldn't be drinking at all you underaged delinquent fool!' my subconscious nagged me. Though I knew she was right, I brushed her aside. There was nothing wrong with having a little fun with friends I guess...

An hour later I was out on the dance floor, my fourth drink in my hand and a goofy grin plastered across my face. Drew was next to me on her fifth drink, and Jackson was waiting next to the bathroom for his sister to come out. She hadn't handled her liquor well.

The music filled my head, pounding against the inside if my skull, and every thing I saw was a blur. Okay, so this was fun. I could see what everyone was talking about now.

My subconscious had long since fallen silent. The more alcohol I consumed, the quieter and quieter the voice in the back of my head became until it became just white noise. The pricking feeling of being watched had never left me though. However, I found it easier to forget about now.

Jackson came over and leaned close to Drew to yell something in her ear. I couldn't make out what he said, but a second later she leaned over to me an yelled, "I'm gonna go check on Joanna!"

"Kay!" I yelled back, but she was already moving through the crowd towards the restrooms.

Jackson grabbed me around the waist as the song changed. "Dance with me," he demanded.

I wiggled out if his grip, downed the last of my drink, and set the empty glass aside. I sauntered back to Jackson. And put my hands on his shoulders. "Take it away," I said. He grinned at me like Christmas had come early. A sleepy voice in the back of my mind mumbled that this was a bad idea, but I ignored her. We danced for a couple of songs, zigzagging our way across the dance floor. I didn't realize that Jason was leading me outside until I suddenly found myself in the cold air of the little courtyard off the side of the club. Our breath blew out in puffs in front of our faces and a few snowflakes drifted around us. My intoxicated mind was confused. Why where we outside?

He must have seen the question in my expression. "Sky, I wanna talk to you," Jackson said softly. The music wasn't nearly as loud out here, eliminating the need to yell.

Oh shit.

"'Bout what?" I asked, my words a little slurred.

"You know, I like you."

I didn't like we're this was going. I dropped my hands from his shoulder and tried to step back but he reached out and grabbed my wrists to keep me in place. "Jackson," I said pleading.

"Sky, just face it. We'd be great together," he said pulling me closer. I tried to back away again but he wasn't having any of it. "It's time you found someone. I know you don't have a boyfriend right now. So why not me?" His voice was smoldering and his face was just inches from mine. His breath was hot in my face and reeked of alcohol. I didn't like that smell. I liked peppermint.

"Please don't do this. You're drunk," I whispered. I tried to push him away but he had me too tight, and lets face it - the alcohol had definitely made my body less responsive. My mind was in a panic. 'No! Not this! I don't want this!'

"Which is why I finally have the balls to do this," he said and crushed his lips against mine.

I almost screamed as a feral sounding growl ripped through the air behind me.

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