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Your P.O.V.
Just like the chief asked, ten minutes later we were at the police station. I was kind of nervous about what kind of training I was going to have to do but I didn't want to let my fear show in front of Shirou. So, I was acting like I was super excited to go.

"There you three are! Here future cadette, this is your uniform." The police chief handed me a training uniform and I had to go in the bathroom and change. After I got out, I noticed Shirou was looking me up and down. It made me a little bit nervous but I didn't mind.

"You're going to be okay, right?" He asked me. Michiru also gave me a worried look. I nodded to both of them.

"If you're so worried about her Shirou, you can sit in a chair that's in the room and watch." The chief said.

Shirou sighed. "I was planning on doing that anyway." He said as we all walked down the hallway following the chief. He finally took us to the training room and I gasped. There was a huge obstacle course, weights, and a treadmill. The room looks way bigger on the inside then it does on the outside.

Shirou and Michiru both sat down in chairs and started to watch me. I gulped as the chief told me that my first task was to do five laps around the obstacle course.

After about an hour, I was almost done with my last lap. "C'mon (Y/n)! You're almost there! You can do it!" I heard Michiru yell for me.

"Yeah. What the Tanuki said." I could tell that Shirou didn't sound as hyped up about it as Michiru was, but he was still cheering for me. After I finished, I had to do 20 weightlifts which hurt because each weight was about 30 pounds and then I had to go on the treadmill.

The treadmill wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Maybe it's because my ankle healed just in time. I mean, imagine doing all of this with a sprained ankle. Anyway, I finished and then the chief handed me a can.

"What's this?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"It's a bottle of pepper spray. I don't know if your going to ever need it or not but it will help you out if you do." He points to a wooden dummy with a target symbol on its eyes. "If you ever feel threatened, you press on the top and spray it into the enemy's eyes. Go on, try it."

I nod and point the bottle to the dummy. I press on the top and the pepper spray comes shooting out of the bottle. "Good job cadette! Now personally, I would want you to have this on you." He pulls out a gun from his belt and I started shivering. I did not know how to use on of those. "But, the Mayor thinks you shouldn't. So you won't have one, but I'll still teach you how to use it just incase."

He then takes me over to another part of the room. It had a window, kind of like one you would see at a drive-thru except, the room on the other side was mostly dark. All the way at the end were some lights and some paper shapes.

"Alright, cadette. I want you to hold the weapon like this and I want you to try shooting that green triangle." I looked straight infront of me and I saw the colored shaped that he was talking about. I adjusted the grip on the gun and shot at it, creating a hole right in the middle of the triangle. "Wow! For a beginner you have excellent aim, so I don't know why the Mayor doesn't think that your suited to have one of these."

After about another 10 minutes of practice shooting, my training was over. "Excellent work cadette, (Y/n). I think you earned this badge." The badge said 'Police Officer in Training'. I smiled as I took it from him. "Feel free to come back to this room whenever you like to get some training in. Oh, you can keep the outfit, wear it if you ever on a mission. I nod.

I walk back triumphantly to Shirou and Michiru. I felt like I had conquered everything after that training session. As we walked out of the building Michiru looked over to me, "(Y/n), you were so awesome! You were so fast and strong, it was incredible!" Kuro then flew from Shirou's shoulder to my head.

Shirou looks over and gives a slight chuckle. He smirks, "Yep. Kuro thinks so too."

I give a slight blush. "Wh-what did you think, Shirou?"

"Me? I didn't think anything. I was just watching you to make sure you didn't hurt yourself." I gave a sad nod. It was just like Shirou to say something like that. "Because I already knew that you were going to do just fine on all of the tasks. So, I was making sure that you weren't going to be careless like the Tanuki." The last thing he said ringed in my mind. He knew I was going to do okay, so he was watching me to make sure I didn't get hurt...

Michiru whined, "I'm a raccoon....!" I giggled. I really didn't think it was going possible to like Shirou even more but... I guess I was wrong.

"Oh, I know!" Michiru randomly blurted out stopping my thoughts. "I should ask Mrs. Melissa to make something to celebrate your training (Y/n)!" Make what...? I was going to ask her that very question, but she ran off before I could even open my mouth.

"M-Michiru...ugh..." I sighed. She was way too fast. So, I ended up walking back home with Shirou. It was a little awkward because I couldn't come up with any conversation topics so I just kept taking 2 seconds glances at him. I did that a bunch of times so I'm sure he noticed.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I blushed. He did notice...


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