Extra: Epilogue

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1 year later...
Your P.O.V.
I was in the kitchen making some breakfast and a cup of coffee for Shirou. When I finished, I took everything into the living room and put it on the table. I started eating and then Shirou came into the room.

"Good morning, Shirou!" I smiled.

He nodded, "Good morning, (Y/n)." He sat down next to me and picked up his cup of coffee. "Oh, did you make this for me?" He asked.

"Yes." He started drinking it, he didn't say anything so I didn't know if he liked it or not. "Does it taste okay?"

"Yes, it's perfect. I wouldn't expect anything less from you." I blushed and giggled. "Are you doing anything important today, (Y/n)?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Ever since I became an actual Police Officer, the Mayor would have you tell me my missions. You haven't told me anything yet, so I guess I'm free today. Which is great, because I would love to spend some time with you." I smiled.

"Good. Later tonight, I want you to meet me on the roof. I think midnight would be a good time." Midnight? That's so late. But, if Shirou wanted me to go of course I would.

Okay, the hours passed by like turtles but it was about to be midnight. I sleepily made my way up to the roof and I found Shirou and Kuro. I walked over to them.

"I'm on time right?" I asked.

"Yes." Kuro moved to the top of my head and I looked over in the direction that Shirou was looking. Instead of looking at me, he was looking at the stars. They did look pretty and it was a full moon tonight. "(Y/n)?"

"Yes, Shirou?"

"Do you know what you remind me of?"

I blushed, what was I supposed to say? "I don't know, what do I remind you of?"

He chuckles a little bit. "You are exactly like the stars in the sky. Your beautiful and you shine just like them. Even though you can't see them all of the time, you know that they're there. And... I want you to stay right next to me for as long as the both of us live... So I had to ask you this."

"Ask me, what?" I asked. He reached into his coat pocket and knelt down on one knee. Was he doing what I think he was doing?!

"(Y/n)... will you marry me?"

Tears started forming in my eyes. I wasn't expecting this to happen, but I'm glad it did. So I smiled, "Yes! I would love to marry you!" Shirou stood up and I hugged him.

When we broke the hug, he took the engagement ring out of the box and put it on my finger. After a while of us watching the stars together, a question appeared in my mind that I thought about before. "Shirou if we get married, you're immortal... I'm probably going to pass away a long time before you do, right?"

"Remember when Sylvasta injected you with his blood?"

"Oh, yeah. That's was like a year ago, but what about it?"

"Even though you didn't get to say if you wanted it or not, his blood is now in your body. Giving you some of his own powers, including immortality."

"S-so... I'm immortal?! Just like you...?"

"Yes." I didn't know how to feel about that right now, but I was too happy to think about that right now. I wonder what our wedding would be like...

1 month later...
(A/n: I don't know how weddings go so I'm sorry if any of this is wrong :P)

"Michiru, Nazuna, are you two sure that I look okay?"

"Yes!" Michiru smiles. "Even though all of my saved up money is gone, I think it was worth it getting this dress from Marie. She may be a criminal weasel, but the dress is FANTASTIC on you!"

"Didn't Marie say that she was a mink?" I asked.

"Mink, Weasel, whatever, don't sweat the small stuff! It's your big day! You agree with me, right Nazuna?"

"Ah, sure. I'm just glad that I was able to get (Y/n)'s make-up on point. You only deserve the best for today."

"Thank you guys." I smile. I was kind of nervous but I was happy that I was going to get married to Shirou. Nothing could make me happier right now.

When it was finally time for the wedding to start, my Dad came up to me to walk me down the aisle. "I'm so proud of you, (Y/n). I'm glad that you've found a partner to spend your life with. He said that he was your protector, so I hope he lives up to it. He better put his life on the line for my little girl."

"Dad...!" I playfully whine. "I'm not a little girl anymore. But, thank you, and I'm sure that Shirou will protect me no matter what."

"He better." I chuckled.

When it was time, the flower girls went down the aisle the sprinkle the petals. Then, me and my Dad walked down the aisle and I finally got to Shirou. I blushed when I saw him, he looked so good...

But anyway, soon it was time to say our vows. "Shirou, do you take (Y/n) to be your wife?"

Shirou nodded, "I do."

"And do you (Y/n), take Shirou to be your husband?"

"I do." I blushed.

"Now the ring bearer shall present the rings to you, and you may exchange them." Shirou picks up a ring and places it on my left hand. I smile and take the other ring. I place it on his hand and he smiles.

After these other things that we had to do, came the part that I was the most nervous about. "You may now kiss the bride."

I was kind of embarrassed to kiss Shirou in front of all these other people. But, they were all people who were close to us so I shrugged it off. I look towards Shirou and smiled to him. He nodded and we kissed.

Now, I understood the feeling of what it means to want to spend your life with someone.

Especially, when you know that other person want to spend their life with you too.

I hope me and Shirou will make beautiful memories with each other.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you too, Shirou."


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