Chapter 18 - The turn of events

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Those words rang in her ears. Prince Shivaditya! Chalukyas !! Beyond the forest !! his chivalry, his manners, his knowledge, no wonder he wasn't a typical Bandit.

All pieces of the puzzle fit into its rightful place. Shiv was not a bandit !!! He was the crown prince of Badami, one of the most powerful empires and their sworn enemy.

Her mind was spinning. She had been with Prince Shivaditya all this while !!

"I am so stupid," she thought. But why did he abduct her?

"And how does this matter concern you, Prince ?" Vikram asked hotly.

Shivaditya replied " My presence is much necessary seeing the current situation. I have not come here to cause trouble. I am here in peace. I just wanted to clarify that the princess is innocent. She was indeed returned untainted."

"How would you know that ?" Vikram screamed in anger.

Shivaditya smirked, "Because the person who abducted Chitrangda is me!"

Everyone had varied expressions...Shock...anger...disbelief...betrayal.

Kirtiveer looked at him in anger "It was you! You ruined my daughter !"

Vikram was about to run and attack Shivaditya but Vallabdev stopped him and turned towards Shivaditya.

"Would you care to elaborate ?"

"It was purely coincidental. Bandits did carry off the princess but she was rescued in the nick of time by me. I was not aware of her identity and considering her injuries, I had no choice but to take her under my protection. Had I known that she was your son's betrothed I would have immediately sent her under your care. But it was too late. She had crossed the border, she was in my jurisdiction. I am sure you are aware of the bandit problems in the Dandak forest. I couldn't send her back soon enough. All this while she was under my care. I assure you that she was safe. I sent her back with honour when the time was right and please don't accuse her parents. It was my idea to hide her abduction truth from everyone, to save their reputation. "

Chitra rubbed her heavily bejewelled head, how could she miss such detail. He was not her kidnapper instead he was her rescuer !!...she had been such a fool!

Kirtiveer said "Why didn't you simply say this in the letter? Would have saved us a lot of trouble."

"I was on a secret assignment and travelling incognito. I could not reveal my identity." Shiv replied.

Vallabdev said "Well considering the current circumstances. I am convinced of Chitrangda's innocence.."

Raj Mata interrupted "But despite that, this wedding will not happen. It doesn't matter whether she was kidnapped or rescued. She had been in the company of another man. Why should I believe him? I will never accept a tainted girl as my daughter in law."

"But mother...." Vallabdev said...

"This is my final decision. Do you want to become a laughing stock? We are royals we have to maintain our reputation."

"Are you implying that I am lying, my lady?" Shivaditya said through narrowed eyes," I represent the Great Chalukyas. Your disbelief in my words is insulting!"

Vasantsena turned towards Shiv. He was magnificent, unlike his father.

"I believe you young man, but people will still raise questions. This would be a topic of gossip for generations. The queen who stayed with the rival prince. It would be a stain on my dynasty. I cannot let that happen. Hence, this alliance cannot proceed." Vasantsena replied with finality.

Shivaditya smirked, his assumptions about Vasantsena were right.

"How unfortunate, what's the point of being a mighty empire when one can get swayed by silly gossip." He mumbled.

Vasantsena glared at him.

"You might consider this silly, but your father will agree with me."

"I didnt mean to offend you, my lady, you are free to choose your daughter in law," Shivaditya replied to Vasantsena, as politely as he could.

Vikram objected "But we can't forgive them. I have never been so insulted in my entire life."

"Enough Vikram! I am still the King. My word is the law. I believe Shivaditya hence, I will forgive Raja Kirtiveer for hiding the truth but I agree with mother. This wedding cannot happen now."

Vallabhdev looked helplessly at Kirtiveer "I am sorry my friend."

Vallabdev had no choice but to comply he never went against his mother's orders.

"I had given my word that Chitrangda would be your daughter in law. Now, that it cannot materialize. Her life is ruined for no fault of hers."

Kirtiveer said sadly while tears sprang up in Chitrangda's eyes. She wished to die on the spot rather than see her father heartbroken.

Shivaditya announced quietly "I will marry Princess Chitrangda."

Chitrangda looked at him shocked. She didn't know how to react, everything was happening too fast. She was still reeling from the revelation that Shiv was the crown prince Shivaditya.

"No father don't let him marry Chitra. It's all his scheming, he intentionally kidnapped Chitra to create this drama and taint our family's reputation. Capture him and kill him. Chitra is mine!"

Vikram yelled in anger.

Jayaraj touched his sword ready to slay whoever made the first move. Shivaditya gave Vikram a piercing look. He didn't look very happy.

"Don't even think of that. I have not come unprepared. Do you want a war over this ?"

"We are already at war...and I won't let you take away Chitrangda."

"Well stop me if you can," Shiva replied defiantly. His hand on the hilt of his sword.

Vallabdev looked sternly at Vikram "Enough Vikram...I don't want to start a war when things can be resolved peacefully."

Vikram seethed in anger.

Indu was observing everything with dispair " I had planned Chitrangda's downfall but instead she is getting another prince !! " She thought.

Shivaditya said to Kirtiveer.

"Your Majesty, I am responsible for this complication. I have damaged your friendship as well as the prospective marriage of your daughter. I can't undo the loss, but at least I can rectify my mistake. I request you to permit me to marry your daughter."

Kirtiveer glanced at Kalavati. She nodded in agreement.

Vikram again said, "But Father..."

Vallabdev said "Vikram stop it. This is my final decision. Chitrangda can never be your wife. So let her marry with honour. I don't want to ruin her life because of your silly anger."

He looked sadly at Kirtiveer. " It's unfortunate that things ended like this. I am relinquishing my proposal. You are free to marry your daughter wherever you wish."

Kirtiveer went ahead to hug Vallabdev then looked stiffly at Shivaditya.

"I grant you permission to marry Chitra."

Chitra who hadn't said a word till now finally said, "but I am not ready for this marriage."

Shivaditya looked at her with narrowed eyes while Kalavati said sternly.

"Chitrangda! Go back to your chamber."

She glared at Shivaditya while Poonam pulled her away from the Mayhem.

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