Chapter 21 - The journey

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The morning light broke through the latticed windows with a gentle warmth, and that was the first thing that greeted Chitra as she slowly stirred from her slumber. The second thing was, Shiv wrapped around her from behind in the spoon position. He was in deep sleep and looked several years younger. She had never been this close to any man before, and not in the same bed! It made her tingle all over. She tried to wriggle out of his hold but he held tight.

Her struggle made him snuggle closer and bury his head in her shoulders. His stubble rubbed her shoulders, it scratched her skin when he nestled closer.

"Well, good morning there," he intoned, somewhere close to her ear. His arm had eased out, and her head rested lightly on it, close to his own.

There was no missing the way her body went frigidly alert, upon the realization of where she awoke.

She shifted trying to move out of his grip.

"Everything alright?" He asked, eyes still closed.

She replied "yeah but I want to get up. Its morning."

He whispered in her ears "Why? We have ample time."

He brushed his lips on her shoulders. She squealed.

He asked "what?"

"Your stubble is tickling me."

Shivaditya gave a naughty smile "Oh! you are ticklish ! ..well in that case."

He started to brush his cheeks on her back and shoulders. She squealed and tried to get away. Holding her arms tightly, he flipped her over so that he was on top of her and tickled her throat.

They were laughing like crazy in this silly game, suddenly they looked at each other and stopped laughing.

Chitrangda brushed a few strands of hairs falling over his forehead.

Shiv smiled, caught her hands, and kissed it. He placed a trail of kisses on her hand and shoulders, he nuzzled her throat when his lips reached there.

His hands had reached her waist and he traced circles on her stomach with his fingers. She shuddered.

"This has to stop else I will go mad, "she thought.

She tried to wriggle out but that seemed to encourage him more and he increased the intensity of his nuzzling. He nibbled her ears while his hands moved on her curves resting on her breasts gently caressing them. She gasped and tried to push him away.

This was further than he had ever reached.

He just chuckled, caught her hands, and pinned both her wrists with his right hand, then his lips caught hers before she could say anything. At first slowly..he gently bit..nibbled and sucked her lips till Chitra started responding to his sweet pressure. There was fear yet it was mingled with a sweet pleasure as she lay pinned, totally helpless beneath him while he kissed her senseless.

His mouth was at her neck once more, and now he was leaving tender bites all across her flesh, her skin caught between the wicked contours of his teeth.

"You'll leave a mark," Chitra whispered between barely suppressed whimpers.

Probably she would have to wear some heavy, jewellery to conceal the faint bruises which were sure to show.

"Good," was his mischievous answer.

"Somebody might come in, we should not....." She mumbled, trying a different tactic.

He chuckled. "No one can enter without my permission."

He nosed down, still taking all the time in the world, the stubble on his chin offering a tickling scratch; when he came across the barrier of cloth, he drew the sleeve of her blouse down, further and further

At once, her arms banded defensively across her chest, but he would have none of it. His hand reclaimed her wrists which moved in feeble resistance, pinning them above her head, so that her breasts though still covered were up for his viewing. He captured her lips again, kissing her deeply.

She expected him to continue when he broke the kiss and looked at her. Her breathing was ragged as she opened her eyes dazed.

He gave a wicked smile "Well you do want me !"

She blushed like a tomato and mumbled, "Let me go please."

"Are you sure?" He said with a sly smile.

"Yes I am sure....I...I..just let me go, please." She tried to control her composure but there was no denying that she desired him.

"How is it possible to fear and desire someone at the same time?" She thought.

"But what about my needs wife ?" He grinned.

She looked at him confused. He laughed and released her so suddenly that she was shocked for a minute. Then she scrambled away from below him taking advantage of his loosening grip.

"Take care of your needs!" She said haughtily.

"I like this shade of yours. Reminds me of the sweet cherry." He winked at her, propping himself on his elbow while she stood up and walked away towards the window.

"Why do you keep running away ?" He asked.

"I am still mad at you" She replied.

"That can be fixed easily" He chuckled and got up from the bed ready to grab her again but they were interrupted by a knock.

He just shouted, "Go away!"

"Your Highness we need to leave soon," Someone said loudly.

He sighed and said "Fine !"

To her relief, her troupe of lady servants arrived and in no time they were ready to leave.

The journey to Badami took them 2 days. She had never ventured this far south from her home. The landscape changed to lush green, and the climate turned warmer. She could see people working in the fields. Temples with gold studded pagodas. People used to throng to see their procession which stretched for kilometres.

The road of the caravan followed them as they led the way closer to the City of Badami, now that they had bypassed the outskirts of the country, the civilizations they encountered were more ordinary and dense.

Days later, they, at last, reached Badami, his capital.

Shiv rode ahead as usual, after a few hours they reached a hill overlooking a beautiful city. There was a huge palace at some youed to extend far into the horizon.

Shivaditya came up to her and escorted her out of the carriage.

"This is the city of Badami," He said.

She gasped "Its beautiful !! I have never seen anything so beautiful".

He replied, "You will love it. I wish I had met you indifferent, circumstances then I would have taken your around."

"You can't take me around now ?" She asked.

"Not like a commoner" He replied.

"Oh! You have no idea how to creep out of palaces." She smiled while he gave her a piercing look.

"What about your family?? do they know about us?"

He said, "Of course they do, in fact they are eagerly waiting for you."

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