Chapter 6: The moon always masks reality

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Chapter 6

I groaned in annoyance swiping at whatever it was that was tickling my nose. After a while I felt it again, wrinkling my nose I turned my head into the soft pillow with a sigh. A second later a felt the tickling sensation against my ear and once more I brought my hand up to brush it away.

My eyes flew open when I heard a soft chuckle and I turned my head slightly to see Carson sitting next to my head. In his hand he held a silk handkerchief which was floating above my face. He moved it from over me and dropped it into his lap.

When I saw the scratches on his chest and shoulders everything from the night before came flooding back to me and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

 The things I had done!

I brought up a hand to cover my eyes and groaned.

“Don’t be embarrassed, there’s nothing wrong with what we did.” he said, dragging my hand from my face and holding it in his. He really didn’t help the situation because my cheeks turned scarlet at his words. He grinned down at me, then leaned down to kiss my forehead.

“You were everything I could ask for and more.” he then kissed my hand.

It was at those words that I sat up, ignoring the fact that my ass was sore as hell. Those were the same words I had heard my dad whisper to my mom one Thanksgiving as they cuddled up on the couch. Words a man should utter to his wife, words a wolf should utter to his mate! I looked up at him. He was looking down at my hand as he played with my fingers.

They say the morning brought with it the reality of what the night tried to mask.

“Carson…” I whispered apprehensive. He looked up at me with a soft smile, his expression dropping when he saw the look in my eyes.

“What is it?”

“W-What about your…mate?” I forced the words out, not really wanting to hear his answer. The night had been, despite my embarrassment, absolutely amazing, I had felt things I’d never dreamed of feeling, done things I’d never thought I could. It made the night I had tried to resist him seem petty and insignificant.

“Don’t worry about that Laken.” his voice was gentle but his eyes had in them a glint of determination.

“But- what will happen when you find your mate?” The moment the words were out I wanted to slap myself. 

Of course when he finds his mate you’ll be thrown aside like the little nobody you’ve always been fool!

In any case who even said he’d want to do this with me again. It was probably just a way for him to relax, to let off steam. A one night stand that he expected me to push to the back of my mind and move on.

Last night after we had had sex and I lay in his arms, his breath soft on my neck as he slept, I had remained awake fantasizing of a life with him. He never finding his mate and us being together, living happily ever after.

What a load of bull.

 He hadn’t even told me he liked me, he hadn’t even said he was gay! I mean he was probably bisexual, so when his mate came along he’d have no qualms about dropping this side of his life and moving on. I looked away from him, extricating my hand from his. How’d I go from one emotional extreme to another in such a short time?

I heard him sigh, “Don’t ruin a good thing by over thinking it Laken.” he warned.

I shook my head too lost in my thoughts to really pay attention. It was only when I felt his arm go around me that I returned to reality, he pulled me against his bare chest and my head rested awkwardly on his shoulder.

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