Chapter 8: Are you starting to see a pattern here?

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Chapter 8

It was the longest night of my life, by the time I drifted off to sleep at about 6:a.m the next morning, the guard still hadn’t returned. When my dad had practically dragged me home last night I had stayed up all night sitting by my window, looking for any sign of their returned.

My tears had subsided after the first hour so I had just sat there staring out into the night, praying they’d all return safely. When I woke up in my bed at 9:a.m that morning, dad’s doing I guessed. I was surprised no one had thought to wake me up for school, which started an hour ago and equally surprised to see my parents sitting around the table having breakfast at this hour.

“Don’t you guys have work?” I asked in confusion, taking a seat opposite my dad.

“The Beta announced that no one should leave the camp today, you want some tea honey?” my mom replied. I immediately perked up, no not because of the tea.

“Does that mean they’re back?!” I was almost out of my seat, fully prepared to run down to the courtyard at that very second.

“Sit your ass down Laken, the Beta didn’t go last night and no they’re not back.” my dad announced.

I sunk into my seat and stared sulkily at my food.

“I know you think you need to prove to everyone that you can handle what the stronger werewolves can, but sucking up to the Alpha won’t get you anywhere. I don’t want to see a repeat of last night. Do you understand?” my dad was serious now, glaring at me from across the table.

Sucking up to the Alpha? If only he knew.

“Yes sir.” I answered my head downcast. I was trying to look repentant but it only worked on my mom. As usual.

“Stop being so hard on him Michael, he just wanted to prove himself, at least he has drive, can’t say the same for some of the other teens in this pack.” she said this shaking her head. My dad remained silent. Instead choosing to drink his coffee.

“So Laken do you have any-“ my mom’s question was downed out by the sound of the Alpha’s horn.

“They’re back!” once again I jumped up only to be stopped by my dad.

“No, your mother and I are going to the courtyard, you’re going to stay here and do some chores, the garbage needs to be taken out, the dishes need washing and don’t even get me started on that room of yours…get it done before we get back.” He ordered.

“But dad come on!” I whined, it was times like this I wished he’d just disappear!.

“Don’t make me repeat myself.” Then they were off.

I can’t tell you how close I came to breaking everything in sight! I couldn’t believe this! I had to know if the Alpha was ok, it was his horn that was blown but the Beta could have easily done it. I gripped my hair in frustration at my predicament, then ran up to my room to get my cell  phone quickly dialing the number.


“Hey Kristina, are you at the courtyard?” I asked anxiously.

“Yeah, what’s up? Where are you?” she asked. I could imagine her looking around.

“Is the Alpha there?”

“Yeah, he’s talking to Thomas why?”

“Does he look…ok? I mean...he’s not hurt or anything is he?” by this time my heart was pounding in my chest and my grip on the phone tightened.

“uh..nooo...he looks ok I guess. Are you ok?” she asked.

“Ok great thanks!” I hung up the phone not even realizing I hadn’t answered any of her questions. I was just so relieved. I set about doing the chores I’d been assigned. The quicker I got it done the faster I could get to the courtyard but just as I was running back inside after emptying the trash my phone rang. I glanced down at the screen. It was my mom

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