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'The Alliance'

I once, many years ago fought to attend the university of my dreams. There I met the man who had stolen my heart and till this day he holds some part of it. He was my past, a small part of my life that I'm grateful to. I made one mistake, a mistake that twisted my destiny. I flew back to New York to welcome my niece. Who knew I would be bound to a man who owns my life.

I never believed in destiny. But destiny twisted my path to lead me to the man I was written to spend the rest of my life with.

My thoughts were broken apart as the kitchen door swung open and Zayn Shah, my husband came striding in. He wore a baseball cap covering his head. His once thick jet-black hair no longer remained. Heavy dark eye bags contrasted against his sharp blue eyes.

He lost the muscle and the definition but he was handsome.

On his shoulders sat our 2-year-old son Zak Shah. It was never planned but he came along. He was a striking resemblance of Zayn, the same rare liquid blue eyes.

"Momma, I wanted to see the dolphins but dad wouldn't move from the lions," Zaisha mumbled as she dragged herself in behind her father and brother.

She had grown. Her blue eyes clear and framed by long thick lashes and her jet-black her coiled into tight thick curls. Her nose was thin and her plum lips belonged to Malika.

"Zayn you were suppose to take her where ever she wanted, it's her birthday," I stated as I wound my arms around Malika's sulking frame.

"I was but Zak was so happy looking at the lions," Zayn laughed as he held Zak and swung him around. The room filled with gurgling and giggling as Zak squealed.

"Zayn he'll be sick," I said as I took Zak from his arms and sat him in the ground. He sat down and stared up at us.

"You always have something to complain about Aliyah," Zayn snapped and slumped down in the seat.

I could see the effects of the treatment. He seemed to loose his temper a lot and seemed tired.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled.

I walked towards him and smiled down at him. He was my everything. My life.

"No I'm sorry, I just feel so out of it Aliyah. I just feel like I'm loosing it," He mumbled as he took my warm hand in his. He was cold.

"You're doing so well, just don't loose faith Zayn. Before happiness we all have to face some struggles," I whispered as I pulled him up and helped him to the lounge. Zak followed on wobbly legs.

"I love you Aliyah, I love you all," He stated softly as he smiled down at Zak who was walking aimlessly around the room and Zaisha who sat on the sofa scowling at her little brother.

"I love you to," I smiled feeling the tears coming through.

You have to make it Zayn.

He often stated odd things in the day. It was as if he was leaving us. But I wouldn't allow it.

I sat down on the sofa next to him.

"It's Malika's death anniversary soon as well as your fathers," I said softly as Zayn's blue gaze switched from Zak to me.

"I was wondering if the doctors allow it, we should travel to New York?" I asked, hoping his temper would lay low.


His answer was blunt. His way of stating no more discussion.

"You're trying to keep Zaisha away from our families because you don't want her to know about the truth," I growled as I saw the specks of anger raiding in his intense gaze.

Zaisha perked up at her name.

"Why don't you go play outside Zaisha?" Zayn asked sweetly.

I was fuming inside out.

Zaisha nodded and bounded off outside as Zak stared at his sister, trailing behind her.

"I won't let her know."

"She knows I'm not her real mother. It was you who told her Zayn have you forgotten?" I growled and stood up from the couch. Zaisha had every right to know about her mother.

We needed to sit down and let her know clearly.

"That was years ago, kids can't recall facts so long ago Aliyah. Besides if we tell her she'll change you know that. She'll start to notice the difference between her and Zak," he snapped.

"What? I treat them both equally," I shouted.

"You do, but she'll always find a way to point out the equality," he growled back as he slammed his hand on the thick wood table.

"I just want her to know before you know I..." he said softly as he grasped my hand and pulled me towards him.

"Don't say that. I know you'll make it Zayn," I said as my arms went tightly around him.

"I will. I know I will."

"But promise me you'll always be there for our kids and lead them the right way. If I don't make it, know I'm up there watching over you all Aliyah," he said softly.



This is crazy, from how small my fan group was to how big it is now. We've reached 61k reads and more than 1000 votes!

I'm so grateful and happy.


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