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"No, I feel like this is a violation of our freedom of choice,better yet, freedom of opinion" I complained, pacing up and down the courtyard.

Yesterday we were given our debate topic and I couldn't fully process the fact that I had to agree to such a statement so I needed Mak to back me up on this but he wasn't. Instead he just sat there with his hand pressed against his forehead, shaking his head while I was voicing my frustrations.

"Tell me you're not serious," he chuckled.

Me? Not serious? Is this guy even serious right now?

"Well, I'm entitled to my opinion and I completely disagree with that statement, like c'mon, think about it. Take Cecil Rhodes for an example, he was a British Imperialist who benefited over his white privilege, over the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers, now I must say the taking down of his statue was a false representation of history...Soze(never)"

"Okay I hear you but I think you're missing the point"

"What point Makalo? Hmm? What point am I missing?"

"This is a debate and at the end of the day you need to get a certain point across, it doesn't matter if you agree or disagree with the statement. Your role is to make people agree or disagree"

"And how can I possibly do that," I sat next to him.

"Manipulate it to your advantage..."

I couldn't fully process what he said at that moment and actually felt like my point wasn't being heard. But he somehow did have a point. This goes against a lot of my beliefs but what if it didn't have to. Like he said, manipulate it.

Manipulate? Mara how?

"I don't know how I'll manipulate it but I'll figure it out"

"And I believe you will. Your very smart Melo, I believe in your sauce, now it's time you started believing in your sauce too"

Another good point.

I do need to start believing in my sauce. Damn I've got a wise man for a best friend.



"Just drink it, its not that bad" I told Mak, holding a bottle with a smoothie Sindi made me today.

"It looks horrible", he backed away and I stepped closer to him, bringing the bottle even closer to his mouth.

"You know what, fine, Zulu do as you wish, I don't even care anymore," Nonhle yelled and everyone's attention was on her and Senzo who seemed to be having an argument.

"Nonhle...Nonhle just listen"

"Why, huh? You're really going to leave me hanging. You promised we would go together"

Oh...this looks serious.

"But I told you I have training, you know how my dad is"

"You know what, save your excuses. I don't have time for this," she turned around and then...


"Geez, Nonhle!, what the hell?", I yelled. And my once white shirt was green, smeared with a concoction only Sindi knew the ingredients of.

"Oh, my gosh I'm so sorry" She said but I could hear the sarcasm in her voice. "But hey, look, green actually looks good on you, it goes with your eyes" she continued, "...HAH, get it? Because she's the green eyed monster"

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