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"And another high mark, well done Senzo, you got 92%, highest in the class" Mrs Dladla announced and that's when my heart sunk. I put my face in my hands as I shook my head, bracing myself for the whirlwind that was about to hit me.

"Did you hear that? It's confirmed I'm teaching you how to ride a bike tomorrow at my place after the game" he said as he took a seat in front of me . I need to come up with a way to get out of this because there was no way I was going to let Senzo teach me how to ride a bike. That's a big no no.

"We can chill at the cafe instead, or go to a park. Anything besides you teaching me how to ride a bike" I said

"Ah no, we agreed on me teaching you how to ride a bike and that's it, that's final...or what are you scared? Do you think I'm going to let you fall or something?"

Of course I was scared. I mean there's so much that could go wrong. I have a bad history with riding bikes and I have the scars to prove it. They've just become a childhood trauma for me and I don't want anything to do with them. I'd rather learn how to swim than ride a bike again. But of course my stubborn self was not going to admit it.

"No, of course not" I lied.

"Melo, I know you're lying to me"

Oh my gosh...how could he tell?

"Uhm *clears throat* I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Oh come on Melo, your left eye twitches every time you lie"

Eh, eh, eh, eh...I didn't even know that

"Uhm that's creepy that you've noticed that because I didn't even know I do that"

"I'm very observant okay, but that's besides the point. You're coming tomorrow. I'll send you the details later on today " he said and he grabbed his things and left.

Yoh, hay' just don't show up...but shame that would be so wrong...ah I don't know

"So...about the plan" I trailed off.

"What about the plan?" Mak asked.

"Did you think about it?"

"Yes Melo, I did think about it"


"I don't want us to do it, it's too risky"
I couldn't believe Mak's words at that moment. Did he really want to let Andre push him over like that and get away with what he did. If Mak wasn't getting hurt from all this then of course I was going to suggest that we kept our mouths shut and hoped that someone would report the issue but because Andre was using Mak as his insurance that he wouldn't snitch then of course I wasn't going to sit this one out.

"Plus if we just write the letter and Mr Brian doesn't catch him red handed then what? It'll be a he said-he situation"

"I hear you Mak but don't you think it's worth the try?"

"No Melo just end it we're not going through with this plan"

"Okay then we can come up with an even better one. A well thought through plan"

I could tell that Mak was losing interest and hope that he would ever get out of this mess. He had probably prepared himself physically and mentally for Andre's beatings and has probably even gotten immune to it. I could see the hurt in his eyes and I felt sorry for him. It gutted me to see him like this.

He also made a valid point about the plan. How sure were we that Mr Brian would actually get up and catch Andre red handed as instructed. And even if he did and this whole situation went to a disciplinary hearing the odds would still be in Andre's favor because there wouldn't be physical evidence and then they would probably want a witness then Mak is pulled back into the web he was trying to escape in the first place the mess just become even more worse.

I sighed as I sat next to him. We were both silent and on the verge of giving up all hope.

"Don't worry about me, I'll figure something out" he said and I felt a huge sinking feeling in my chest.

I don't like this one bit...


It was the end of the day and most of the class had ran out after being dismissed. It was a Friday afternoon and I heard that most of my peers would be chilling at Rico's, the pizza place not far from school, after school.

"Uhm Melo can I talk to you" a voice from behind me said which happened to be Nonhle's voice.

"How can I help you Nonhle" I said in an uninterested tone as I walked out the class with her following not far behind me.

"Uhm, I never really got the chance to say thank you for what you did for me at the debate. I know you could've just left me to humiliate myself seeing that we're not really the best of friends but you didn't so I wanted to say thank you"

"It's was the humane thing to do. Nonhle I may not like you but it doesn't mean I would like to see you embarrassed especially in such a situation. When something like that happens as girls we should have each other's backs. It's only the right thing to do."

"Thank you" she said again pulling me into a huge hug of which at first I felt confused but then I relaxes and hugged her back.

"So I wanted to ask you something" she said.

Yoh what does she want now?

"Okay..." I said sounding very confused.

"So my birthday party is next week Saturday and I just wanted to know if you'd like to come. I was going to send you the formal invite but I thought it was best I thanked you first then told you about it in person"

I was very confused by this Nonhle. She was being so nice and was inviting me to her birthday party. Me? I had to take a moment to process what she had just said to me. I mean it wouldn't hurt to go to her party. I mean sure the only person who I'm really on speaking terms with who would be there is Senzo but maybe this could be a start of a new chapter for me and Nonhle. I would really need to think about this and possibly even consider writing a pros and cons list.

"I'll think about it" I answered.

"Okay think about it then let me know on Monday so that I can finalize the catering arrangements. But I'd really love for you to be there" she said before hugging me and leaving.

Yoh this is going to take a lot of getting used to.

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