Chapter 3

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The song for this chapter is Scared To Live by The Weeknd


By the end of the week I am very tired from school, cheer, and preparing for the upcoming surf competition. Yesterday, Saturday, I did all my homework from the week, so today was the first day I had a real breather since summer. Of course for most people a day to think would be good, but not for me. When I have even a second to think, I think of that night.

When my mom yelled at my dad to watch out. Emma flying out of the car. My mom sitting next to my hospital bed. Me asking about Emma's injuries. And Emma's last words.

"In case anything happens look for the note. I wrote it joking around one day but now the possibilities seem more real."

I never understood what she meant. As soon as I went home the day after the hospital I looked for a note, I couldn't find one. I checked everywhere in her room, and every other room in the house. I don't know where else she could've put it. She never told me about the note until that moment in the hospital, so she could've put it anywhere. There's only one thing I can think of, maybe she told one of our friends to hold on to it. Which leaves me with one choice, and only one choice, text the group chat.

Hey guys I have a question!

What's up Em?


Give me a second I'm trying to remember how awesome that nine was the other day on the beach. How did that seven feel Em?

I hate you. And the question is... did Emma give any of you a note? Because that day in the hospital she told me about a note but I couldn't find it anywhere in my house, so is there a possibility that she gave it to one of you?

The only notes she gave me were the ones of which she said she liked me more than all of you.

Again, I hate you. Anyone else?

No, sorry Emily.

Nope, but I hope you find it!

My friends are absolutely useless. Especially Xander. And I still have no idea where this note is. If Emma wanted me to find it then why would she hide it. Ugh! Emma was always so smart so why wasn't she smart enough to put it somewhere that I could easily find it. I turn to see my phone screen light up and start ringing. The caller ID says that it is Mack.

"Hello?" I say as I drop myself down onto my bed.

"Hey Em, I was wondering if you want to come with me to get a coffee?" She asks.

"Sure, do you want me to meet you or are you going to pick me up?"

"I'll meet you there." She replies.

I say okay and hang up. I throw on a hoodie and leggings and do a quick bun. I throw on my sneakers and grab my keys. Mack somehow always knows when I am not feeling great or when I was thinking about Emma, and she was always good at distracting me from my thoughts.

Once I get in my car I connect my Bluetooth and the song Scared To Live by The Weeknd was playing, so I turn it up. Emma used to play this song anytime we were in the car together. She knew how to live, she said that I always needed to hear this song and really listen to the lyrics. She said we could live together. She said that living was the whole point of life. If you don't live your life to the fullest then you're wasting your time. It was easy for her to say stuff like that because she was practically fearless. For our sixteenth birthday she literally went skydiving with Xander, Dan, and Mack. I was too scared to go, I chickened out an hour before we were supposed to leave.

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