Inside These Walls

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Coming back into the house, noticing an awaiting Jess but before I can answer her questions, I look around for Abigail, not wanting her to hear what I am about to say.

"She's upstairs getting changed," Jess reads my mind, "any luck with Amber?" She asks.

It's been 48 hours since Amber was supposed to pick up Abigail, and she still isn't answering any of my calls. 

"No," I shake my head, "there is no one at her house, and her neighbour said she hasn't seen her come home yet" I sigh, running out of options as to where Amber could possibly be. 

"Maybe she got caught up in Wisconsin?" Jess suggests. 

"Okay, but why not message me back so I can at least know that she is okay?" I question and Jess doesn't have an answer. 

"What am I supposed to tell Abigail when she asks about her mother for the hundredth time?" I keep my voice down, "I don't know" Jess replies, "Just say her mother is on her way" she adds just as Abigail skips down the stairs. 

"I love my new skirt, thank you, Olivia," she twirls around, "actually, it was Jess who picked it out" I give her the credit.

"Thank you, Jess," she hugs Jess' legs.

"No worries my little love bug, now have some breakfast" She lifts her onto the chair so she can eat her mini pancakes and fruit salad. We distract her with food while we step aside and talk more about what to do with Amber.

"So you want me to take her?" Jess offers, "No, it's okay, she's familiar with the firehouse so I'll take her" I decline. "But could you swing by after work to pick her up because she can't sleep at the firehouse with all the sirens" I explain.

"You got it" Jess nods, "and what are we going to do about Amber?" She asks.

"I'll keep calling," I answer, "but if she doesn't get back to me in the next 12 hours, I'll drop by PD and file a missing person," I state.

"Sounds like a plan," Jess agrees, "I got to get to work, so I'll see you later," she grabs her bag, "goodbye Abigail" she blows a kiss before leaving. 

I wait for Abigail to finish her breakfast before heading to the firehouse.

"Can I drive the firetruck today?" She asks, "But you just ate pancakes" I reply, "And you know the rules, you can't eat too much sugar and drive" I joke. 

"Really?" I miss the innocence of youth.

"Yes, it's the law" she believes me, "you should have told me" she huffs, "I forgot but next time for sure" This makes her smile again. 

"Is Mommy going to pick me up today?" She has been asking about Amber and I am running out of excuses, "you know she was going to pick you up yesterday but I refused because I wanted to spend more time with you" I softly pinch her cheek.

"You did?" She giggles.

"Yes" I nod, "and I don't know if I'll let your mommy pick you up today because we still have so much to do" I add. 

"Like what?" She asks.

"Well, do you want to teach Tuesday a trick?" I suggest, "Yes, please" She nods, "Well then, we'll do just that" She claps happily as I park outside the firehouse.

I hold her on my hip again as I walk inside. 

Realising I am late for the morning briefing, I rush towards the meeting room, telling Abigail to try and keep quiet and then I'll give her a cookie. She nods as I hand her my phone and earphones so she can watch a cartoon before walking into the meeting room.

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