The White Whale

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It's a bright new day where I have to face Kelly after once again ending things with him, this time for good. 

Lot's of awkwardness to come. 

Chilling with the girls in the bunk room, as we have a catch up session, to try and avoid the awkwardness as much as I can.

"How are you already this tired?" We wake up Foster, who is covering her face and trying to get some sleep even though the shift literally just started. "I had a late night and I'm just trying to catch some z's" she tries to sleep again.

"Come on, don't be boring" Kidd bounces on the bed to wake her up again, "okay" she gives in and starts to sit up as we laugh.

"Morning" Casey walks in, amused at our laughing.

"Hi" Brett replies but it gets caught in her throat so she starts to cough, "you okay?" Casey questions while us girls hide our smirks because we know what this means. Brett nods, still coughing too much to say anything. 

"She's fine, she just needs some water" I step in as Casey gives her one last look before heading to his office.

"What was that?" Foster questions, handing Brett a water bottle, "I don't know" Brett replies, "I started to say hi and I swallowed too much air or something" she drinks some water.

"So he literally took your breath away" I joke as the girls chuckle.

"Now is not the time, Liv" Brett replies, "you know how stressed I am about it" she adds. 

"Wait? Why are you stressed?" Kidd interjects, "my friend, Jane, who I tried to set Casey up with, said that him and I were made for each other" Brett explains to them what she told me earlier.

"That is ridiculous" she laughs but we don't laugh with her, having been a witness to their growing chemistry.

"Right?" She looks at us to back her up.

"It's not so ridiculous" I reply, "yeah, not really" Foster agrees with me, "I mean you guys did have some kind of connection at the games night" I point out. "Well I'm sure Casey doesn't feel that way, he was married to my best friend, I dated her brother" she brings up.

"Well that didn't stop Casey and Liv from macking on" Kidd jokes, "so you are right in there girl" I nudge Kidd. 

"Another reason right there, he kissed my other best friend" she gestures to me.

"Yeah but it didn't count" I remind them, "trust me there is nothing and has never been anything between us but you guys, there is something there" I defend.

"Forget the Dawson stuff for a minute" Foster suggests, "how do you feel about Casey?" She asks an important question. Brett pausing to look behind us and into Casey's office, "well that's the thing, I don't know" she finally replies.

"I used to use that excuse a lot, I still do" I admit, "but the truth always is that you know how you feel, you're just not ready to feel it" I state.

"So how do you get ready?" She asks.

"Don't ask Mrs On and Off again over here" Kidd replies for me, "very true, don't ask me" I chuckle. "You know it would be great it one of you had a non-complicated relationship so you could actually give some good advice" Brett comments.

"But where's the fun in non-complicated relationships?" Foster counters as we chuckle.

"Listen, I can't feel anything for Casey because he's a really good friend" Brett replies, "and no offence, but look what happened between you and Severide" she brings up. "I mean you guys hate each other one minute and then love each other too much the next" she adds, "and for what? You're not even together and the friendship will never be the same."

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