Author's Note

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Author's Note (a.k.a THANKS)


Hey, you, person on the internet who I think is amazing. If you're reading this note, it means you've read Special Agent, and hopefully you enjoyed it. For that, I thank you! 

I often wonder whether or not I should stop writing these author's notes (considering i put one at the end of each chapter, and one at the end of each book thus far) but in the end I like to take a hot second to reflect on my book, and the journey here. A part of that journey is, as it always is, you guys! I can't express enough thanks for the support — the comments are truly a big part of what keeps my writing going, honestly, and it's been amazing reading your responses to Quinn's journey. 

On another note, Special Agent is the longest + fastest book I've written. Well, the book isn't fast (it won't run off, exactly) but it took me around 9/10 months to finish this, while other books have been way longer projects. And since it's, like, 145K words ... I'm P-R-O-U-D. 

I think it's mostly thanks to NaNo, which forced me to crank out 50K words back in November 2019 before my exam season came to bury me in a million pages of math and physics. This was also my first successful attempt at NaNo, since I failed in 2018, which is fun. 

Anyway — this note was mostly to thank you guys, for the support during this novel. If you came here when this novel was already finished, you still get a thanks cause' you read some words little ol' me slapped on a screen, which is insane to me. I-N-S-A-N-E

Thank you — the coming updates will be Fun Facts of my writing process, and — 

I might add some bonus chapters at the end, sometime this week. 

Aside from that, my next step will be working on the possible SPIN OFF to Special Agent, as well as my next book: The Witching Hour, which is already up on my profile.

xo, cleo

(PS. as always when i finish a book, i wrap it up by listening to the Epilogue song from the Uncharted 4 soundtrack. time to do some melancholic reminiscing)

Special Agent | ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ