Fun Facts

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Fun (?) Facts 

(about my writing process during Special Agent)


- the name mr. castiglione (the banker from venice) was inspired by frank castle's (the punisher) alter ego 'pete castiglione' which he used in the start of the punisher season 1.

- the name liza jaeger (the last name) was inspired by ('inspired' lmao more like taken from) the jaeger family in attack on titan.

- me naming their agency to 'the agency' is because i actually did not have a better, more fitting name. #writinglife #creativeaf

- the spy movies whose vibes i most inspired by are: the man from uncle, kingsman: the secret service, knight & day, anna, lowkey charlie's angels (w lucy liu, drew barrymore, cameron diaz.)

- i often listen to music while i write, and katya ivanov's entire ballerina-character happened because i fell in love with tchaikovsky's opuses (opi? im too uncivilised for this)

- when i first planned the plot of this story, my lovely cast of characters were attempting to prevent a volatile newly discovered element from ending up in the hands of a warlord/dictator. #scienceftw

- some parts of eylem vahid's character were inspired by agent dinah madani (from the punisher). (also, can you tell i love the punisher)

- the pictures in the chapter banners of each chapter almost *always* correspond with the POV of the character we read about in the chapter (at least one of the POVs i wrote through in the chapter, in any case)

- i do appreciate whiskey, which def influenced tibble's habits (though not to the same extent as adina does! drink responsibly everyone, know your limits, have a glass of water between drinks.)

- this book started as a nanowrimo project (!) highly recommend if you want to push your -writing- limits.

-  since i always listen to music when i write, but i never made a playlist because hannah montana and 2000s-movie-soundtracks didn't exactly both fit the -aesthetic-.

- i made extensive pinterest boards for quinn, gavin, imani, davidson and kent. such is the professional creative process am i right?

- i was originally planning on killing off kat but changed my mind because i liked her. oops. 

xo, cleo

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