Chapter 16: Normal is boring

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Chapter sixteen: Normal is boring (Zach's POV)

I've been trying to figure out whether I'm attracted to her or not since Isaac asked me. That's what I haven't been able to figure out. Obviously, I can't tell her that, she'll get all weirded out. How can she not? 

I'm weirded out. And I liked her for a while before I left. Like a long while and I'm still finding it weird now. It could be because I've changed, or because she's changed, or because our relationship has changed. Everything is just different now. It's so weird to think that fifteen-year-old Zach and Ellie could have dated, but seventeen-year-old Zach and Ellie couldn't. We wouldn't. 

She stood up after finishing her food and washed her dishes, placing them back where they belonged before going into the room. I stayed there at the counter and sighed in frustration, resting my head on the counter. 

This was a hundred percent Isaac's fault. After he asked me that question, my head stopped working. 

I started seeing her differently, in the sense that I started observing her more, I found myself staring at her quite often and I knew that I was looking at her a lot more than I should have been. 

It's not normal to be looking at a friend of yours like that, nor is it normal to be stupid enough to place a bet that says you have to make that friend fall in love with you. I was sitting there when my phone dinged. 

It was from Nathan saying that he's coming over because he wanted to hang out. 

About twenty minutes later, he came over. Ellie came out of the room in fresh clothes with her hair thrown up. "Hey," she smiled at Nathan, grabbing herself some water before going back inside. 

"What's going on?" he asked while sitting on the couch beside me. 

"Nothing, what's up with you?" I asked. 

"Not much. Ashley's gone out with her mom, otherwise, I wouldn't be here to bother you," he chuckled. 

"Come on," I scoffed. 

"So, how have you two been getting along?" he asked while glancing at the door to mine and Ellie's room. 

"Fine," I shrugged. 

"He got lost at the grocery store," Ellie said while leaving the now empty glass in the sink before sitting at the counter with her phone in her hands. 

"What?" Nathan laughed. She looked at me with a smirk while I glared at the smug look on her face. 

"Ask him, he'll tell you all about it," she said while rocking her legs back and forth. 

"What is she talking about?" he turned to me. 

"Nothing," I dismissed it. "I need to talk to you about something," I said to him, lowering my voice. 

"Keeping secrets? I see how it is," she spoke up. We both looked up at her and she rolled her eyes. "Relax, continue with your bromance, please." With that she stood up and went back into the room, closing the door behind her. 

"What's up?" he asked.

"Is it normal to be attracted to someone who you kind of hate?" I questioned. 

"Who are you talking about?" he questioned. 

"That's not relevant," I retorted. 

"Sure it is. If I don't like her, I'm gonna say no, if I do, then I'll say yes," he shrugged. I stared at him in confusion. "Nevermind, who is it?" he repeated. 

I stared at the door to make sure she wouldn't come out. 

"Why is that a bad thing? Are you forgetting you challenged her to fall in love with you? Why are you the one getting worried?" he asked. 

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