chapter 63

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Noah POV

"You mean, those demon creatures are in the house behind us right now?" Kai asks, pointing over his shoulder. My eyebrows furrow.

"How'd you get them to stay put?" Hunter asks and Eliana glances at him, swallowing as she shifts uncomfortably on her feet.

"I had their tongues torn out. Since they can't say their spells, they pose no threat to us. They're like humans." She explains as we all watch her with wide-eyes. I chuckle, pulling her to my chest as everyone still stares at her with open mouths.

She has become stronger and more dangerous. She's perfect as Luna with this attitude.

It's cute, but I'll try not to get on her bad side.

"Bring them out." My mother states, her tone low as Eliana nods.

The door opens as five wolves, including John, escorts five hooded figures down the stairs and in front of us. Blood follows them like a path, leaking from their mouths.

Samantha, we'll avenge you today. You and everyone who died that day.

Eliana's doing this? Seriously? It isn't affecting her life?

I've missed so much growth in her. The distance between us is wide enough though we've been reunited.

I have to hear everything that happened. I want to know every last detail. Despite all that, the pride in my chest is overwhelming.

She's found herself and I'm by her side. We'll continue to grow even more.

"Tell them to get some paper and pencils for them. They might bleed like humans but they have magic in their blood. They won't die from losing too much blood." My father informs us as Eliana nods.

Two of the wolves run into the house and come back quickly, bringing what was asked for and stuffing it into the witches hands.

"Why did you want to attack us 13 years ago?" My mother demands, her voice shaking as my father keeps a firm hand on her shoulder. His other fist is clenched.

My anger boils as well, my sister's face flashing in my mind.

She didn't deserve to die. She was a small sun with all the potential of the universe and they took her away.

Eliana takes a step closer to me, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Let out whatever you feel today. Don't hold back." She whispers. I glance down at her.

She always knows what to say.

One witch on the far end scribbles fast, raising her notepad at us.

We felt a strong spirit coming from your pack and were scared because it lived in the forest with us, it would one day become a threat. Moonstribe killed the wrong sibling. It wasn't supposed to be the girl, but the little boy.

My eyes widen as I read the text.

I was their target. They simply missed and killed Sam then? Why did so many others die that day then?

It was all my fault, just like I thought. I-

"Don't you dare blame yourself, Noah. The ones who caused everything are in front of you. Their evil intentions led to actions and deaths that we can't reverse. Let everything in you heart go. Don't let it clutter anymore." Eliana tugs my collar, bringing me close to her face. I nod slowly at her.

She's right. I have to end this battle with a clear mind and soul. My pack and I have held on to this grudge so long, we even drove Eliana, a victim, to a breaking point.

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