chapter 65

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Eliana POV

"Wake up, it's already noon. It's time to eat lunch." A deep voice calls from above me. I flinch up, an ache going through my hips as I ignore it, jumping out of bed and heading to the bathroom. Noah heads in after me, as I stick my toothbrush into my mouth.

We've completed the mating process. We finished it.

I try to hide my smile as Noah bumps into my slightly. I glare at him.

"I know you're thinking about last night. A scene of it just flashed through my mind. I think you sent it." He says, bothering me as I wash out my mouth.

I forgot we'll be able to tell each other's feeling a lot better, damn near mind reading. What if I don't want this wolf in my head?

No, I want him in my head. I get to be in his too, it's only fair.

"The Luna ceremony for you will be tonight." Noah sing-songs. My eyes widen.


I choke on the mouthwash in my mouth as he pats my back, helping me as I cough.

"T-tonight?" I ask him. Noah nods.

"You said you thought of the pack as family already. We were just at a meeting to decide when you would join the pack. I tired to wake you up but you kept kicking me out the room with your blessing, so I gave up. Tonight's the only full moon for another mouth, and preparations had to start. If you don't want to, just tell me and we can cancel." Noah reasons, pulling me into his chest.

This is way too much pressure.

"I want to join the pack, it's just- I'm not sure if that's as Luna, right now." I tell Noah. His face falls and nods, looking away from me.

Luna is for the female leader of a pack. I've grown. I know I have but I'm not sure if it's enough.

"Just so you know, you're one of the strongest wolves I've ever met in my life. You've gone through so much. You forgive but not without reason. You fight for what you care about. You managed to save this whole pack and me. They know that and so do I, I just hope you can see that in yourself." Noah brushes a stray curl from my face, I look up at him.

Is that how he sees me? That beautiful strong wolf is the person I am to him?

I hug him tight, laying my head against his cheek.

"We're in it together, right?" I ask him, trying to even the shake in my voice.

"Yes, always." He whispers, planting a kiss on my cheek and on my lips. I nod.

"Then I'll try. Don't blame me if-" Noah lifts me up, and I scream. He puts me back on my feet, pulling back to reveal a huge smile of his face. I mirror his face.

"Thank you so much. Now let's go and eat lunch. I'm sure you're hungry." He smirks as I gasp, playfully smacking at his arm.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, as he turns on his heel, leaving the bathroom. I jog after him.

I'll give being Luna my all. With Noah by my side, I think I actually can do it.

Noah slows, as we leave the room. We go down the hallway, stairs, and walk on the path leading to the entrance. Noah and I go back and forth teasing each other. We stumble into the dining room and shut up instantly.

Eve and Thomas sit at the table, along with everyone else. I swallow, heading towards the empty seat next to Alyssa as Noah grabs my hand, dragging me back with him.

I haven't sat with Alyssa in so long. We still have to talk about everything.

Like what happened last night. I have to gossip.

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