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School is starting in two days and I'm not happy. I forgot to do my summer work and now I have tons of work to do in just 2 days.

Sorry it's late. I'm busy and I couldn't get in a writing groove. Usually I get really into it and will spend hours on my next chapter, but I just couldn't get into it. I'm also stacked with homework so that could also be a reason why


1:45 PM

Zachary's POV

We're currently walking back to town as she talks on and on about the secret garden and how she'll definitely come back.

While I still couldn't get the kiss off my mind. She really kissed me. Her lips were so soft and I just wish I could kiss her all day.

"We're here! Now run off and I promise I'll come back soon cutie." Hmph! I love her but could she stop saying cutie, it's degrading.

I lick her hand and decide to just let her go into town this time. I mean, we've spent so much time here, so she has to be off soon, right?

She runs backs to her shop with her basket full of berries and a skip in her step. She doesn't even realize how mesmerizing she is. I could literally watch her all day and not get bored.

I go near a tree that I knew had backup clothes in it and shifted into my human form.

After changing I go back into town and jog to that clock thingy.

Hmmm, the small hand is on a 'II' and the big hand is before the 'I'. Yeah I still don't understand. Maybe I could ask someone. I spot a teenage boy walking down the street and walk up to him. He looks at me scared and quickly goes to the other side of the street.

What the hell? Why did he run?

I look around again and try with a middle-aged woman.

"Excuse me, could you tell me the time? Where I come from, we didn't really use clocks..."

"O-oh, well it's umm 2:03 PM."

I was about to thank her when she quickly walked away after answering. Why are they all running away?

'Well one, it's obvious we aren't from here, two, we are taller than anybody here, and three we are naturally intimidating. Just focus on Y/n, don't worry about other people.'

'Still! It's not like I'm gonna kill them.'

'Correction, we won't kill most of them'

I decide to shut him out even though he's right. I don't need his nagging right now.

If I remember correctly, it should only be two hours until she's off. Fuck! It's still too long. I start to just walk around thinking of something to do. Maybe I could go back to the cafe. Nah, I might snap and kill that Matt dude on the spot.

Oh! What this store? I look inside and see a lot of revealing outfits.

Luxury Lounge

Maybe I could get Y/n some clothes. Of course I wouldn't show her them now, I'll wait til she accepts me. But still, some of these would look marvelous on her.

Eh, maybe later, it's not time for that right now.

"Sir, would you mind telling me your business in this town. As the chief in charge it's my duty to make sure everyone here is safe and I've noticed the people running from you."

Oh you gotta be kidding me.

"Sir, my grandmother used to own a small cabin down in the forest and it's been it of use for a while now. I've decided to take it over for a new start. I hope you all can accept me without making me feel like an outcast." I say sternly.

I swear if I'm kicked out for just looking scary, they will know what it's truly like to die by the hands of a beast.

"Oh! Well don't worry, you're fine, I'm just protective. You'll be treated with respect just as everyone else here!" He said with a smile on his face.

Yeah I don't like him.

I just nod and walk away trying to avoid these people right now. This is why I can't stand humans. Y/n is very different from them.

She is pure, sweet, beautiful, caring, and daring. Most humans would of either tried to kill me in wolf form or would of ran. She noticed my pain and risked helping me. She's better than these disgusting human beings. She an angel and no one has a right to her but me! Soon I'll save her from these creatures.


After walking around for I don't know how long, I see Y/n put up a closed sign and locking the door.

I see her walk down the street my way and decide to approach her.

"Y/n? Right?" I say.

"Huh? Oh yes! How are you holding up?"

She smiles as she asks me that, already more polite than any one else in this town.

"I'm holding up just fine! It's just I wanted to see if you would take me to that meadow? I don't really know any one else and I'm bored."

I scratch the back of my neck.

"Oh of course! Just let me go home and change into a more comfy dress. You can come with me if you want."

Nodding eagerly I follow behind her. We fall into an comfortable silence as we walk side by side now.

"So, how long do you plan on staying here?" She asked me.

"Oh well, for a while. I don't really plan on leaving any time soon. I mean, with food as good as yours, who would ever want to leave?" I say with a smirk.

She blushes as she hides her face in her hand.

"Oh! Well thank you! I appreciate that. Baking and cooking is my like my life so I hope I'm good at it... oh here we are! Just wait out here, I'll be right back!"

She runs into her house to avoid embarrassment as I silently laugh. She's so fucking adorable.

"What the hell are doing with her?"

I look behind me to see Matt. This boy just made his death ten times worse.
Again, sorry it's late. I have stuff going on.I'm streeeessssssssseeeeeeeeedddddddd...

Suggestions and constructive criticism are accepted:)

See y'all next time

Love ya

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