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Heads up! This story is gonna be hella long. I'm almost done planning it out completely and it's gonna be a lot. Just informing y'all!


11:32 AM

Zachary's POV

"You what?"

I asked coldly. I could feel my beast pushing to be let out. To show her who she should love instead, not that weak boy.

I almost didn't want to suppress my beast.

"I loved him. The pastry was for him! It was gonna be how I would ask him to be my boyfriend! But now, I guess it has no meaning now..."

So he's the reason I found her! Him! Everything that happened was because she fucking loved him!

Well, now it'll never happen. I'm glad he's gone. He deserved everything the beast did to him. Only I get Y/n, no one else!

"I-it's ok, shhhhh, let it all out. I'm here."

Although I hated it, I had to calm her down and make her think I actually care about his death. This is the only way she will fall for me. She'll never figure out my dark ways.

She cried more and cuddled more into me, forcing me to suppress a moan. Her touch is the most pleasurable thing I could receive.

This. This is what I waited for. And it was worth the wait.

I'm actually still a virgin as the only person I would ever have sexual relations with would be my mate.
(A/n: while I wrote this part I thought of Bill Clinton's "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" I swear I actually have that quote memorized in my brain🤣🤣)

I find it disgraceful when werewolves don't wait for their mate. Their mate is chosen for a reason and sleeping with someone else is just disrespectful to the Moon Goddess.

"Why did he have to die?! He didn't do anything wrong!"

Oh that's where you're wrong dear. He did many things wrong, but it's ok. Cry for now and learn later. I don't want to push you right now.

"I know. The world isn't fair. It wouldn't matter if you were the nicest person on this planet, people would still want to hurt you. But, for now, we just have to accept it and we'll have to move on sooner or later."

She just cried harder in my chest.

"I don't care! I want him back! I want to hold him one more time! I want to hear his voice just one more time! I want him to know my feelings..."

Her voice cracked along with my patience. I love the girl more than myself, but could she stop fucking talking about how she loved that guy so much.

I'm this close to claiming her right now, but I don't want to do that. She needs to consent and she is making it very hard for me to stand by my morals.

I hear her cries soften and soon she results to just sniffling.

"They said it was a big animal, but how? Whenever I go in the forest, nothing attacks me. I did meet a large wolf, but it was so friendly. How could a wolf afraid of spiders kill a man? It just doesn't add up!"

Well that was insulting.

"And how did i-"

Wait, why did she stop talking."?

"Oh my gosh, I had fur in my room this morning...."

I swear the beast inside me needs to learn where and when to fucking shed.

It also needs to learn when to keep it in his "pants"...

"Why didn't it attack me?"

I don't know how to even respond to that. What should I say?

"Maybe it likes you, maybe it recognized you and didn't want to hurt you. I've heard of stuff like that. When undomesticated animals form bonds with a certain human, they would never hurt them, but it wouldn't stop them from hurting others."

"Wait, so you're saying that I'm the reason it happened? It recognized me and decided to kill another human being!"


"No no no no no, of course not. It's most likely that it came to you after. I'm almost 100 percent positive that if it saw you first, it would if walked back in the forest. Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

She slowly nodded and rested back on my chest. Yes, just like that.

"I think I'm going to try and take a nap, u-umm, could you uh come with me? I know it's weird but I really don't want to be alone right now."

"Yes! I mean, sure."

Shit, I sounded too fucking eager.

She lead me to her beautiful room that I have already seen before and she laid down on her bed, motioning for me to get on the other side of the queen bed.

I lay down, drowning in her scent. I have a feeling this is exactly what heaven feels like.

I look over and see her trying to sleep. Why doesn't she cuddle me? Does she want to cuddle? I want to cuddle.

"Do you want to cuddle?"

"Huh? Oh, no. I-it's fine like this. Your presence is enough."

She looked flushed after I sad that. Is she ok? What's wrong with cuddling? We did it on the couch.

I grab her arm and pull her to me, having her head on my chest.

"You need to cuddle. Sleep now."

She didn't struggle and just relaxed. I know she felt the bond in that moment and it's almost impossible to go against the mate bond, especially for humans.

I think I'll sleep myself, in the arms of my mate. Nothing could be better than this. Well one thing, but that won't happen for a while.

For now, I'll just enjoy my sweet mate in other ways. And if anyone tries to come between us or touch even a single hair on her head, they'll be dead by the next day.

And I always keep my word.
I suggest y'all check my conversation wall as I've posted why I am posting late now(trust me, I hate it too).

I finished this during my lunch, comment any grammar mistakes, byeeeeeee

Suggestions and constructive criticism are accepted:)

See y'all next time

Love y'all

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