Special day.

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Beau's pov

I heard my mom calling me after a good 20 minutes sitting straight on my bed in confusion. I stood up, took a shower, put some random clothes on, grabbed my bag, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Zander was already sitting at the table all dressed waiting for the blueberry pancakes mom was making.

"Little bro!" Zander screamed when I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning sweetheart," Mom greeted as well.

"Morning mom, morning big bro," I greeted back.

I took a seat next to Zander. Mom gave me a plate and a glass. She put a plate with all the blueberry pancakes in the center of the table and took a seat.

"Beau darling, can you bring Zander to school? I have my yoga class in 10 minutes," Mom asked me.

"Yeah sure. We need to go now tho or I will be late for school," I said

"Alright," Mom said.

"But I'm not done with eating my pancake," Zander said with puppy eyes.

"Ughh fine. You can eat it in my car for this one time," I said while rolling my eyes.

"Yeeeey" Zander cheered and hopped out of his chair to grab his backpack that was laying on the counter.

Zander then skipped to our mom and kissed her on the cheek and waved her goodbye. I stood up and waved my mom goodbye as well. I grabbed my keys and closed the door behind me. Zander and I were walking towards my car that was parked on our driveway. I opened the doors and we got in. 

We arrived at Zander's school. Zander's school was pretty big. It even had an upper floor where the 4th to 8th graders were. I already knew the way to his class and rushed to it. I greeted Mrs. Rachel, his teacher, and helped Zander to put his jacket on the hangers. I flinched when I heard a high-pitched voice screaming my name.


Oh no...

"IT IS YOU! OMG BEAU BABY, HOW ARE YOU?!" Celine asked me while hugging me very tightly.

I almost couldn't breathe.

Celine is the sister of one of the girls in Zander's class. She's sixteen and has honey-blond hair with amber-brown eyes. She also wears glasses and has a small bird tattoo on her neck. We met on the first day of school. My mom asked me that day if I could bring Zander to school and I agreed. I brought Zander to his class and waited a few minutes before I left to see if he wasn't that nervous as before. I was ready to leave when I felt someone bump into me. A girl's voice immediately apologized and I told her that it was okay. She told her sister to go inside the classroom and waved her goodbye. She then held her hand out and told me that her name was "Celine Mcclair" I then replied back telling her my name and shook her hand. She then said sorry again and told me that she wasn't watching where she was going. She kept looking me in the eye, still holding my hand while I was saying that. I pulled my hand back to myself and told her that it wasn't a big deal and that we were cool with each other. She said "okay" smiled at me and walked away. She keeps trying to flirt with me or tries to get closer to me from that day.

"It's nice to see you to Celine but-" I tried to say before Celine cut me off.

"I didn't see you for so long." Celine, she said while hugging me tighter.

"Celine...I can't breathe," I said

"Oops, I'm so sorry. I was a little too excited to see you," She said this time letting go of me.

"Sorry, Celine I don't have time to chat with you right now. I need to go. I'm already a bit late for school," I said.

I turned around and was about to walk away when Celine grabbed my arm.

"Celine didn't you hear me. I'm late! I really don't have time for this right now," I said but she didn't respond back.

She just stood there with her eyes glued to the ground and didn't say a word. I broke the silence and said "I'm leaving." That's when I felt her hands pulling me back, spinning me around and feeling her lips against mine. I immediately pushed her off me and just walked away as fast as I could. I could hear her cry but I didn't care. Can't she take a hint or something? I DON'T LIKE HER! I told her that I was late and she was holding me up.

I arrived at my car and drove as fast as I could ignoring the speed limit. I parked my car and jumped out of it and rushed into the school. I needed to walk passed the administration to go inside. But the thing is...I was late. So I just need to sneak on my tiptoes and-

"Mr. Miller. Come in please!" Mrs. Thomas said watching her laptop and typing with her long nails.

It was worth trying.

"Yes, Mrs. Thomas," I said

"You're 20 minutes late. Your reason?" Mrs. Thomas said still not making eye contact.

"I needed to bring my little brother to school but something hold me up," I said a little nervous.

"Mhm...okay. I will let you go for this time," Mrs. Thomas said and gave me a to late pass.

I arrived at my class and had this weird feeling. "I'm not feeling nervous so why am I having this strange feeling like something is gonna happen," I thought but shook it immediately off.

I knocked on the door and opened it. I gave my math teacher my to late paper and sat down. Mr. Porter didn't even bother looking at it and just went back to giving his lesson. I heard a knock on the door after 10 minutes. A girl came in but I couldn't see her face because her hair was covering her face. Why does she looks so familiar tho?

"Come in!" Mr. Porter said.

"I'm so sorry that I'm late," She said

"It's okay. You're new here but don't to again," Mr. Porter said.

"I won't," She said

"Can you please tell a little bit about yourself?" Mr. Porter asked.


She turned around and I could see her face perfectly now.

"IT'S HER!" I screamed in my head.
Whoop whoop chapter 2 is finally FINISHED. It took a week but I did. :)

I maybe will update a little slower because I have school but there will be coming some bom updates so stay tuned if you wanna see those.

( Ps. I will be editing this chapter just a little bit very soon )

( Pps. Please let me know if I made some grammar mistakes or dm me on my Instagram @aprilsxcherrys if you have tips for my story. )

Thank you for reading my story. ♡

See yall in the next one. :)

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