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Name: Kit Inez Jacqueline Queen



Hair: Natural curly black with silver, dark blue highlights

Eyes: Emerald dark brown

Half Mexican half native American

Likes: Singing, dancing, playing guitar, playing piano, playing cello, fixing vehicles, wrestling/fighting, being with her girlfriend, reading about history, training, using her bow and arrow, and making things, photography, videography, coding, hacking, reading

Powers:Tracker, quicksilver, Hawkeye, mental time travel, telepathy, telekinesis, control minds, read minds, connect minds, control earth elements, control weather, cut ur senses, make you feel pain, feel and change emotional, paralyze ppl, can tell if ppl are soulmates, can tell if someone is lying or telling the truth, can earse ppl memories and bonds, can earse ppl minds, metal and physical shield, can also move things with her mind, can take away ppl voices

Bitch, insults ppl

Terrible terrible anger issues and mouth

Deep deep dimples

Very very gorgeous

Will hurt anyone that messes with her girlfriend or talks to her any kind of way

Nickname: Kitty, Kitty Kat, Mamasita, K, Bebe, Magic

Eyes turn bright red when pissed off



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