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Evander's Pov~

"Alex, get me all the details about Serpens'." I instructed Alexander, My loyal Assistant and Chief Security officer. "Make sure to check all the documents and bank accounts of Serpens', I am sure they are hiding something from us."

"Okay sir. " Alex, the giant in black suit replied.

"Did you find any information about Violet? " I asked even though I know the answer.

"No sir." He said in a soft tone. Everyday was same, I hired many Private investigators to find Violet's whereabouts but they failed. I didn't even get to know much information about Violet in our short relationship of four months as I was busy trying to flatter her for my stupid dare. The only thing I know about her was, her name and her parents were into some business.

"Try to find all the information about Serpens' as soon as possible." I instructed and dismissed Alex.

I can't let anyone other than Violet to be in my life. I may not have found her now but one day I definitely will find and apologize to her, and make her mine. She's mine, I will never let her go away from me, never again.

I used to stalk Violet everywhere in the college and unlike other girls who used to run behind me, Violet used to run away from me. Whenever I wave or smile at her, she would silently slip away. What's wrong with this girl, she was not even willing to speak with me and how am I gonna make her fall in love with me before finals that is just 2 months away from now.

She was sitting in the corner table of the canteen eating sandwich when I waved at her. She gathered all the books and began to run away, but this time I am not gonna let her escape, I followed her and found her in the corridor. That was when I found AJ trying to bully Violet while she was shivering with fear. I made him learn his lesson by punching on his face and that coward ran away with his friends. I picked up the broken glasses from the floor and gave them back to Violet. That was the first time I saw her without spectacles and she has beautiful hazel brown orbs hidden behind her thick glasses.

I accompanied her to the optician's shop and got her glasses fixed up.

"Violet Everly." She said suddenly introducing herself.

"Thank God at last you spoke, I thought you would never speak with me." I said placing a hand on my heart. Finally she spoke with me!

"You are hurt."

"Yes, I was hurt, when you didn't speak." I almost thought I was going to loose the bet.

"No, you have a cut on your hand." She said pointing at my hand, only then did I notice that I had a cut from the fight earlier.

"Oh.. It's nothing." I said waving off, the cuts and bruises are common for me as I get into fights frequently.

"Wait." She said as she borrowed the first aid box from the Optician and aided my cut.

She was different from others, while all girls are always behind me for my money and fame, Violet was the first girl who was truly concerned about me. I pushed back the stray hair that was disturbing her.

"Will you be my friend? " I asked looking at her, hopefully. I have to start somewhere.

" Okay, Friends." She said after a minute. Finally, a good progress in my dare to make her fall in love with me.

Since that day, I used spend more time with Violet. Sometimes talking to her about my preparations to finals and sometimes she explaining the lessons and notes that I had missed due to my practice matches. Slowly we began to get close to each other and I began to realize that Violet was a pure and innocent soul. Spending time with Violet has became my favourite hobby. Whenever I get back from my practice matches, I used to head back to library where I would find Vi, in her usual spot —corner of the libraries Romance novel section—. We would talk about our day and I would make her smile by saying some funny incidents. She has a beautiful smile.

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