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After sending off Violet to her office, I closed the door and walked back to my room to look after my son. I have to take care of him and prove to Violet that I too can take care of our son. She was too worried about leaving Archie with me, what's there to worry about, I am his father and taking care of him should come to me naturally. I am going to surprise Violet today with my parenting skills.

As I entered my room, Archie was already sitting on the bed tangled in bedsheets. He laughed throwing his hands in air when he saw me.

"Papa... " He called looking towards me, my heart warms every time my son calls me papa.

"Good Morning, buddy." I said picking him up in my arms.

"Mama... " He said looking around for his mother, poor guy.

"Mama went to office, buddy. It's only You and Me now." I said pressing my cheeks against his chubby cheeks.

He looked back at me sadly, he's missing his mom already.

"It's okay, buddy, Your Papa's gonna take care of you today. Come on let's get you bathed first." I said and carried him to the washroom.

I checked the temperature of water and placed him in the tub.

The little guy is not a fan of bathing, I tried to distract him giving him his toys, he played with his rubber ducks and I had a hard time to get him bathed and at the same time making sure that he doesn't keep the rubber ducks in his mouth.

Finally I wrapped him up in a fluffy white towel and carried him towards the room, placing him on the bed, I turned around to pick his dress. And by the time I turned around he was already out of the towel and was crawling towards the edge of the bed. I caught him and made him wear his dress with much difficulty keeping in mind Violet's instructions to put on his diaper first. He kept on crawling away without staying still. Don't know how Violet has been doing these things all these days.

Finally I got him dressed up in a cute blue suspender pants and white T-shirt.

"You know buddy, a lot of people envy about our hair. But no one knows how much struggle lies behind it to keep it that way." I said combing my son's hair.

"Since you are blessed with good hair, you have to take care of it. You have to apply oil regularly, wash it and condition it nicely. And not to forget style it fashionably." I said squeezing the hair gel in my palm while Archie was listening to me with at most concentration.

"Today, your Papa's gonna set your hair." I said applying hair gel on my son's hair while holding him in place with one hand and applying gel with another holding comb between my lips.

"Look at you, you are looking dashing." I said holding him in front of the mirror.

"Come let's feed you first and then you are going to office with Papa today." I said carrying him to the kitchen.

I warmed milk and mixed baby food for Archie. Mentally making a note to order a high chair for him, I placed him on the carpet.

"Now, open your mouth buddy. " I said placing a spoon of baby food in front of him. He made a face and began to crawl away.

"Hey, where are you going? You have to eat this." I said running behind to catch him.

"Please buddy eat this, I promised your momma that I will feed you." I said making an attempt to feed him.

He shoved the spoon aside and crawled away. I caught him and placed him on the carpet again giving him his toys to distract him.

I tried once more to feed him while he was busy playing with his toys.

I fed him a spoon of baby food and made a happy dance when he ate it, playing with his teddy.

See, it's easy to feed kids and I am already a pro in it. I mentally patted myself and turned around to feed another spoon of baby food, only to find that he spitted out the previous one making mess on his face and his shirt.

"What have you done, buddy." I sighed looking at Archie, who was busy playing.

"Why is he not eating food? Is he feeling sick or is he having any stomach pain? Or is he missing his mom?" A lot of questions began to pop in my mind.

No, Evan, if any of those three reasons are responsible for him to not eat the food then he would have cried but he was happily playing with his dolls seems like he's not hungry. My logical brain answered.

"Yes, he's not hungry. " I said to myself but the grumbling of his stomach proved me wrong and he looked at me with a sad and pale look.

"Why are you not eating food when you are hungry, buddy? See, how colorful your food is looking." I said showing the bowl to him but he turned away his face.

What's wrong with the food? I thought and placed a spoon of food in my mouth feeling curious to know how the baby food tastes. And now I don't blame my son for spitting it out earlier. It tasted awfully bland, how can someone feed this to babies. Poor guys have to eat this because they don't have voice to protest.

"Don't worry, buddy. Your Papa figured out your problem." I said and walked towards the kitchen to dump his baby food.

"I hope you like sweet corn soup." I said holding the spoon near his mouth and he drank it happily without making fuss and in between that managed to feed him some bread toasts dipped in milk.

"That's my boy." I said cleaning his face with damp towel to clear the food stains. "When your mama comes home from work, I will talk to her about making you quit eating those awful baby foods and I will take you to a good hotel where you can eat cheese burgers, Mac n cheese, and pizzas."

"Now let's go to office, Pumpkin." I said lifting Archie in my right hand while I carried my files and laptop bag in another hand.

"O god, how am I gonna lock the door now? "

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