Chapter 6

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Rachael's PoV
It was the end of school and there was Jasper by his car waiting for me. "Hey" I say. "Ready" he said as we got into his car.
It's was quite for a bit. "So are you ever going to explain what you did the other day." He questioned. "That depends am i obligated to" I sassed back. He just let out a laugh. "Guess not" he said. "Then I guess you have your answer" I responded. "Let's listen to some music" I say turning on the radio. One of my favourite songs came on. it was Beyoncé's crazy in love. I could help nodded my head and sing quietly to myself. "You don't actually like this kinda music do you" Jasper huffed. "Excuse you.what's is wrong with the queen bee herself" I said in shock. "Nothing" he said putting his hands up in serenader. "If your into that kinda music" he continued. "Beyoncé is dare you" I joked. "I've just never really been into her. my music is more old fashioned" he said. "Oh honey if this friendships is ever going to work your gonna need to like Beyoncé" I teased. "So dose that mean we are friends" he questioned in a now serious tone. I didn't realised what I said it just came out.but we couldn't possibly be friends witches and vampires hate each other and it would be dangerous. I didn't answer for a few minutes I could see disappointment all over his face. "I thought the mysterious Cullens only keep to themselves." I teased "we aren't mysterious we are quite. In fact we are just as boring as any other family" he said. Obviously I could tell it was a cover seems he doesn't want me to know he's a vampire anymore then I want him to know I'm a witch. "I mean that's just what everyone says" I say playing along. "Is it.what els do they say" he joked. " something about secret spy's" I joked. "They do not say that." He said laughing. "They do swear to goddess that's what everyone is saying" I say as we both lightly laughed. "Goddess?" He questioned. "Errrr yea it's a feminist thing" I say. I mean it's kinda true. "I didn't think you was into that kinda thing" he said I didn't need to know what he meant by that question. "You know feminist come in all genders and even if it wasn't I'd still be able to be one because I'm a woman" I say. He looked at me in shock. "I didn't mean it like that I" He started before I cut him off. "Let me guess you just didn't think I was the type of girl that 'hates men' that's not what a feminist is's about women's rights not hating one gender. But I am a sucker for girl power" I say. "I meant religious." he said with one raised brow. "Oh" I say going all red. "Why do you do that" he said. "What?" I replied. "Think I'm always trying to start a fight with you" he started. "I'm sorry I didn't realise" I say and he was right I've been nothing but on edge since I met him and he's been nothing but nice. "ok from now oh I'll be friendly Rachael" I say. "Are you sure you capable of that" he joked I then pushed his arm before leaving his car and saying goodbye.

It's been a few days now and Jasper has been picking me up from school and dropping me off at home. It was actually nice we talked about so much and joked.I've found I actually really enjoy his company a lot. "So have I finally got you into beyonce" I say on are way to school. "You play her ever time and you ask me every time and my answer is still the same" he said rolling his eyes. "You know your gonna miss my music" I said he then pinched his brows. "Bella his back on Monday so today is are last day of car pooling" I say. Then the mood shifted he seemed disoriented."So what singers do you like" I say changing the subject. "What" he questioned "i just realised it's been a whole week of me harassing you with my music and I don't even know what you like"I say . "Ella Fitzgerald" he said quietly. "Who" I said confused. "She's an old singer from the 1920's" he said "I use to dance with Alice to her music" he said now sad. "What happened to you two".I said softly without thinking. "I'm sorry that's none of my business" I say quickly. "She said was no longer in love with me." He said taking a deep breath. "It's hard you know. being in love with someone so much that you don't even notice them slipping away. And when you see them without you and they are the happiest you have seen them" he said. "I'm so sorry" I say putting my hand on his shoulder which resulted in him relaxing his body. "You know I'm sure you can find someone els" I say trying to cheer him up which didn't work. "I don't know if I want anyone els. I've been in love with Alice for" he stoped himself "a very long time.she's my happiness" he finished. "It probably seems like that.but you can't let someone define your happiness you have to make it yourself"I say. "Thank you for saying that" he said not fully convinced. We then arrived at the school. "I'm sorry to burden you with my problems" he said. I could tell that he is the type of person to keep things bottled things up. "It's fine what are friends for" I said only just realising what I said after. "Friends?" He questioned in almost disbelief. "It's not a big deal I mean Jesus you look like your about to brake out into song" I teased. He responded with a light laugh.

Jasper's PoV
I was reading a book in my room luckily Edward had gone so I could think freely. he had gone hunting so he could keep control because of his new human problem. he has been on edge ever since.most of the family are worried about him.I would be to but I had my own human problem. Rachael she could be a little stand offish at times but there was something about being around her that makes me forget everything. She makes me forget I'm a vampire, makes me forget about my heart breaking over Alice. but she also makes me forget how dangerous I am. There has been a few times I have forgotten to hold my breath around her and I'd be so close to losing control.
Plus the fact I can't feel her emotions and these weird things keep on happening with part of me is saying I should look into it more.but another is telling me not to because I might drive her away and right now having her as a friend is one of the few things that brings me joy. That's also why I haven't told anyone about her.about us being friends, about the strange things but most of all the facts of how close i'm at to lose control around her. they might not understand.

My phone then quickly light up.
"Hey cowboy what you up to"
It was a text from Rachael we had exchanged numbers a few days ago when she said we was friends. it's strange I've never been friends with a human since I was one myself.
"I'm reading a book in my room" I replied I think I might of been to literal.
"At 1 in the afternoon on a Saturday?. If you want we could go out and do something" she typed.
"I'd love two I'll pick you up in a hour"  I typed back.
I then grabbed my jacket and rushed down stairs. "Where are you going" Alice said from the sofa of the living room. "Out" I replied hoping she doesn't suspect anything. "Out where" she questioned more. "I was hungry so I'm going out hunting" I lied to her face. "But" she started. "Where not together anymore Alice what I do is not you concern" I said firmly before storming out.

I then arrived at Rachael's she greeted me with a big smile as she got in the car so I give a small smile back. "Hey cowboy" she said with a cheerful tone. "Why do you keep calling me that?" I questioned "I don't know I was trying to think of a fun nick name for you but that's kinda all I could come up with" she say shuffling threw her bag. "You could just call me by my name" I replied. "See I was considering that but now I know it bothers you so much I'm going to stay with it" I couldn't help but let out a light laugh. if only she new the truth that I was technically a cowboy. "So where to?" I said "there's a museum in Port Angeles then we could get some ice cream.then I'm going to show you my new favourite spot I found in town." She said pulling out a museum leaflet.

We then got to the museum and I hated it. it was horrible they just remind me on what I've been threw living in those time periods. I couldn't help but look around almost in shame. "ok I got the map which tells us the different sections.what would like to see first." Rachael said linking my arm causing me to tense up. "err you choose" I said trying to get this over and done with. "Ok well  Egyptian section it is" she said dragging me along. "Why are we coming here?" I said . "I love most of the old Egyptian stories I grew up on them from my farther" she smiling. "You grew up on stories about vengeful gods" I say "obviously my dad  lighted up some parts to make them more appropriate. but yes since his father is originally from there he thought it was important to learn the history's." She said leading me around the exhibit. "like for example did you know they thought  Egyptian was one of the first to discover magic. they said that could created a liquid that could help them tell the future" she said. "You don't really believe in that stuff do you?" I questioned with a frowned brow. "I don't know there is carvings in some of the old pyramids predicting things like helicopters and rocket ships" she said then paused and lightly pushing me. "I'm teasing there's no such thing a magic" she said before continuing. "Now I really only came for this so is there anything els you would like to see" 
"no not really" I started "I honestly don't even like museums" I confessed. "What Jasper why didn't you tell me?" she questioned. "I know. You just looked so excited and I didn't want to ruin it for you" I replied. "You know you don't have to do anything you do not like around me. I'm sure we can find plenty of things we both like to do together." She replied with a smile. "I just like making others happy I guess" I shrugged. "And that's nice but sometimes it's nice to put your own feelings first. Which I can tell you don't do often" she said. I guess she's right. I don't really put my feelings first. "I guess no one ever really asks how I'm feeling" I replied looking down at my feet. I then felt fingers lift my head up by my chin. "Well then considering today all about you and doing what you want" she said looking into my eyes.

The new witch (Twilight fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz