Chapter 15

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"Let me try to find someone to take us back," Zack says.

"I have my car," I offer. "If we can get him in the back, I can drive."

He shakes his head and some of his hair falls messily into his dark eyes. "You don't have to do that. Your friends need you."

I blink in shock. Is he... being nice?

"Lola..." Jaden groans, brushing my hair.

"I don't think I'll be able to leave him either way," I say in defeat.

Zack's cheekbones deepen and he stares down at Jaden then back at me. He thinks for a moment before nodding finally in agreement. "J," he says with concern, holding up his chin. "No, don't close your eyes, man. Stay awake."

Zack turns to me. "Where's your car? Is it far?" he asks as he tries to pull some more of Jaden's weight onto himself.

"No, it's near the front."

Zack nods in relief and finally shifts some of the weight onto himself, propping Jaden up. He looks around at the crowd and scowls. "Get the fuck out of the way!" he shouts and a path clears for us.


We toss Jaden in the backseat after he finishes puking in the lawn near my car. As gross as it is, I still let him hang onto me only because he's pining for Lola. After his throw up session, he claims to be feeling "totally normal" and "not at all drunk."

Zack makes sure he's sitting up in the back and buckles him up loosely. The window is rolled down so Jaden sticks his face out the window and sings what I think is "Sorry" by Justin Bieber at the top of his lungs, completely off-key. At least he's conscious.

We drag Jaden into Zack's house, and Jaden's humming all while stroking the back of my hair and calling me Lola. I've stopped trying to correct him at this point. When we get into Zack's room, Zack quickly props up some pillows and helps me lay Jaden on his side.

"There's some pizza on the table in the kitchen. Can you grab a slice?" Zack requests.

I nod and hurry off. His house looks like a frat house. But like an abandoned one. Putting a couple slices of pizza on a plate, I also grab a glass of water before heading back.

"Do you need me to grab anything else..." My voice trails off as I approach the door. Zack has an extensive setup for Jaden: bucket, pillows, snacks, water. I watch as Zack places a duck plush in Jaden's hand tenderly and starts to take off his shoes.

He turns to face me. "I'm gonna be here with him. You can leave if you want. You've done a lot." His voice is softer than I've ever heard it.

I try not to let the surprise show. "No problem. Should I pick up a gatorade or something?" I offer.

Zack winces. "Would you mind? It's just...He doesn't really drink so the hangover's gonna hit him pretty hard."

"I don't mind," I assure him. "I'll be right back."


At the grocery store, I call Taty to reassure her that I'm alive and also grab some extra energy drinks for Zack. Since I'm here, I also grab some instant noodles and ingredients for hangover soup.

When I get back, I rinse out a pot and start to boil some water. The soup is done quickly and I bring a bowl along with the drinks to the room. I pause at the doorway and watch Zack move Jaden's hair out of his face and press a damp towel to his forehead. It's oddly affectionate.

"You just gonna keep staring?" he speaks up in a familiar fashion and I jump a little in surprise. Zack's head turns towards me and he smirks as I trail over.

"I picked up gatorade and a few other things for when he wakes up. For both of you," I say as I hand him the grocery bag.

"You buy the whole store?" he jokes as he sifts through the bag and pulls out the drinks.

"I didn't know what flavor he likes and the Redbull is for you to help you stay up. Just in case. I figured you don't drink coffee during the season."

He pauses, staring down at the Redbull can in his hands.

"Oh yeah and I should've asked but I made some hangover soup. It's good even if you aren't hungover. I make it for my dad sometimes and..." I stop when I realize I'm rambling.

Zack looks at me and there's something new in his eyes. Is that... admiration?

"Anyways," I continue. "This bowl is for Jaden but the rest is on the stove if you're hungry."

He continues to stare at me in a way that I don't recognize but causes a swirling in my stomach. Something flickers in him and he looks down.

"You must really like him," he says thoughtfully, half to himself.

I cross my arms tiredly. "Can you stop saying that? It's not true."

"You didn't have to do all this," he explains.

I shrug. "It's nothing." I smirk a little. "I'm actually a nice person, you know."

He chuckles, the edges of his eyes creasing. There's a little more lightness in his eyes.

"Have some soup if you want," I repeat, preparing to leave. "If you don't want any, make sure you put it in a container before you sleep."

He's silent for a long moment, thoughtful, before he finally lets out, "thanks." The word sounds foreign coming from his lips.

I nod in reply and move to leave when his voice stops me. "Wait," he says. I turn back around. "Why don't you have some, too?"

A/N: Don't forget to vote and/or comment loves. Thx for reading!

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