Final Notes

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SHAMELESS SELF-PROMO: TCD IS NOW GETTING A SEQUEL(Will be a trilogy) ! Follow to be notified when that comes out :) (will be January 2021)

FYI: This is my big thank you and some things about the story as well.

HOLY CRAP I can't believe we're here. THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading this far. 

About the story:

First, I want to bring up that I've seen some people comment that they can relate to Amelia and how her parents treat her and it breaks my heart. I don't know the details of any of your personal lives but just know that you are loved, you are so strong, and I am so proud of you for just living this life because life is fucking hard sometimes. All of you are kind, amazing people. If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open (as long as people are respectful).

Next, I want to note that Amelia is half-white, half-Asian. A lot of Amelia's Korean side is based on my own life as a Korean (my parents are v nice and supportive tho I promise), as I struggled to keep up my grades and played piano my whole life, trying to live up to high standards.

In Korean culture, education is EVERYTHING. Teachers in Korea are regarded with the utmost respect and the studying culture there is on another level. That being said, I know that a lot of people don't like when Asians are portrayed as studious and nerdy because it plays into stereotypes, which I agree with. Asian people are so diverse and the stereotypical quiet Asian girl is not the narrative I want to promote. I still wanted to write from the POV of a character with Asian background. Most Wattpad novels don't have Asian main characters and Amelia is far from the ultimate Asian character but I guess you could say this is me dipping my toes in.

That being said, Amelia's life, personality, and growth are shaped by her parents' oppression and overcoming that. I know she's given her parents millions of chances but that's how family is and how Amelia is.

Thank you all for being so supportive. I never, EVER let people read my writing and I'm always astounded by your kind comments and messages. I love the Wattpad community bc I feel like I can reveal my cringiest, cheesiest ships and fantasies and there will always be others who support that. I haven't responded to many comments because I don't wanna creep you out but if u wanna reach out and message me, I would love to talk.

Be safe, be healthy, and be happy. Follow your passions and believe in happy endings. Never settle for anyone who doesn't treat you like you're the main character of a Wattpad novel (take this w a grain of salt lmao).

Super cheesy. I deadass think I'm freaking Jane Austen now or something.

Love you so much and thank you for making this experience so amazing! ^-^

P.S. if ur here comment ur favorite book quote (I love reading these). Mine is "I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you" from Catching Fire.

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