3.6K 96 20

Braavos 294 AC.


The strange dreams had continued for most of the trip, not every night but almost, in some he was walking around the city, chasing after Wynafred. While in others he was in the woods, hunting, stalking prey, moving through the undergrowth. Robb put it down to this being his first time sailing, his first time leaving the North, he put it down to missing White Harbor and Wynafred, both of which he found to be true.

Arriving at the city he stared in awe as they sailed under the titan, the sheer size of the massive statue more than he could comprehend. How had they had built such a thing he wondered, he actually fell over a moment later so surprised was he when he saw a man's face come out from a hole in the thing.

"Har, I felt the same way lad, certain I was imagining it." Ser Wendel said as Robb got back to his feet.

"There are men in there?" he asked looking up and unable to see where the man had come from."

"Aye lad, should anyone attack it'd be more than head's you'd see coming from those holes." Ser Wendel said and pointed out the gaps to Robb "Up there, archers, oil, rocks, you name it, all ready to rain down on anyone stupid enough to attack the free city."

Robb smiled, the idea of a ship coming in to attack this city and finding out the statue wasn't just a statue, he could picture the stunned look on their faces when they realized the truth. Pretty soon they came into the docks itself, Ser Wendell pointed out the different ships, strange vessels from Ibben and Yi Ti, Carracks from Dorne and some more Pinnacle ships from the West, these ones bearing the Lannister colors.

"What's that?" Robb said pointing to a longship.

"Iron Born." Ser Wendel said spitting on the deck.

"Why do you hate the Iron Born Ser?" he asked curiously.

"For years lad they've preyed on the North, my family has suffered their attacks, I've lost kin to them, lost men I've known for years, speak to the Mormont's and the Karstarks and they'll tell you the same, never trust a reaver Robb, never." Ser Wendel said as he turned to talk to some of their guards.

Robb looked closer to the ship, seeing men walking around it not one of them smiling, they looked dirty, mean, he shuddered, thinking of Theon. Was his friend like these people? Was it these reavers he looked up to? He remembered some of the stories Theon would tell, tales he made seem exciting, glorious even. Looking at the man now pissing off the edge of the longship he seemed anything but.

When the men were ready, Ser Wendel ordered them to escort them through the city. Robb staring at every new sight he saw, from strangely dressed men and women to mummers performing in the street, from strange-looking birds and animals, to embarrassingly for him as he blushed so, women showing far more of their bodies than he was used to.

They reached a large building and Robb was stunned to see both the Lion of Casterly Rock and the Merman of White Harbor were both equally represented on the door. Above the building banners flew in the air, some he recognized as northern houses, some he assumed were from the west.

"Be respectful in here lad, Lord Kevan is a stickler for protocol." Ser Wendel said and Robb nodded as they entered.

The room they walked into was a simple hall with a door and a large table, a man sitting there with two guards, other men sitting at benches around it. Ser Wendel laughed and japed with one of them a grey-haired man, while another went through large doors at the back. Eventually, they were brought through them also and Robb was stunned at what he saw, the building was open to a small dock, boats sailed by filled with crates, with wood and furs, men were moving up and down the dock filling ships and emptying others.

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